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need help with LED`s on vitrea tank

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Brandon9400, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Brandon9400


    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hello everyone,
    I recently won a vitrea nano cube with two built in LED strips and a touchscreen controller. Only problem is the i think the controller is designed for their bigger tanks since it has a different end on it.  I'm sure it could be spliced to work but I have not invested the time into learning how to wire up LED's and would rather pay to have it done. When i plug the power supply in to the LED plug itself the green light on it blinks and the lights do not turn on.
    Since vitrea went out of business it's next to impossible to find any info/parts for this unit. It is a beautiful tank and I've heard plenty of good things about their LED's so I'd hate to see this thing go to waste. I'm sure there are plenty of DIY LED guys on here that could get this thing up and running and I would be willing to pay them to do so. I'm planning on using this tank for seahorses/frag tank. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you need anymore info let me know. THANKS!
  2. Brandon9400


    +1 / 0 / -0
    Bump come on guys I now someone on here has some know how of DIY LED's and can get this little tank running for me.
  3. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Were are you located? Can you maybe post some pics of the lights and connectors you are talking about?
  4. Brandon9400


    +1 / 0 / -0
    Im on the SE side of cedar rapids i live on forest dr by washington high school/ cottage grove area. I can try and load some pics up later are you good with LED's? if you are i'd be willing to drop the tank off at your house to work on it and pay you for it. Thanks
  5. Brandon9400


    +1 / 0 / -0
    sunday bump!
  6. Waverz

    Waverz Expert Reefkeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0
    I messed with them a little white they were in the store, I know the controller could work with the lights but I have no idea how it was wired w/o tearing it apart.

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