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Help!! Neptune Apex Controller

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jim, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. Hello,

    Anybody here in Cedar Rapids that could come by and give me a hand setting up this apex classic controller? I have followed the directions searched forems and still can't get it to connect to fusion.
    any help would be appreciated 319-899-1176

  2. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    I'm assuming you bought it used? Have you tried resetting everything the factory defaults. Are you able to see and connect with it on your local network. I've got plans tonight, but maybe could come help out tomorrow afternoon.

    Otherwise @Region: Cedar Rapids & Iowa City will get you more response to the thread and I'm sure you'll find someone that can help sooner.
  3. ya I got it from Roman so I know it's good it was live on his network before he took it out from under his tank and he also removed it from fusion as well. I feel like I have done the factory reset like 3 times on it just repeating steps to make sure i get it right. The green light will not come on on the ethernet plug just the yellow one does.
  4. ShaneP Well Known Hawkfish

    Williamsburg, IA
    +126 / 0 / -0
    I had this problem at first when I set up mine. You need to go to the web dashboard and enable Fusion. It's a check box in your options.
  5. im not getting into fusion without the token though so im confused
  6. shane are you referring to the controller or on a webpage?
  7. ShaneP Well Known Hawkfish

    Williamsburg, IA
    +126 / 0 / -0
    Webpage. Navigate to your Apex's IP address to access the web dashboard.
  8. I am not sure i know what your talking about sorry
  9. ShaneP Well Known Hawkfish

    Williamsburg, IA
    +126 / 0 / -0
    I couldn't link my fusion to my Apex either. As long as your Apex is connected to the internet it will give you an IP address in your menu on the display. Use your web browser to navigate to the IP address to access the web dashboard and find the option to enable Fusion.

    Once I did that I was able to link Fusion to my Apex.
  10. I need somebody to come over i'M SO CONFUSED on what to do and what I've done already it doesnt make sence
  11. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Hi Jim. I understand your confusion and frustration. The guys are really helpful and can access your computer to show you things while you talk with an employee. Go to Neptune Systems website and ask for help. They will set up a day and time for you.
  12. Pygmey Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +119 / 1 / -0
    Jim I can stop by tomorrow if you are around or through the week.
  13. Roman Experienced Reefkeeper

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +321 / 3 / -0
    Thanks for reaching out to Jim . I myself am pretty apex illiterate. Aj and Lee both helped me to get that setup and I really never put anything to elaborate into it for programming. I bought the new 2016 model for my new build and all we did to this one of Jim's is unhook it from my current setup which was currently working fine and I went into fusion and unlinked it from my account so he could set it to be his. I remember when Lee hooked mine up that we needed to update the firmware first and then do something with retrieving a token to link it to fusion . I told him he should probably do a factory reset and start all off fresh so my stuff wouldn't be in it. I think he is still having a problem getting the updated firmware downloaded into it first. I don't believe he can go much further until he gets that loaded first.
  14. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    A factory reset sounds probably the easiest. Not sure if others set up Fusion without a token but Neptune had always had a token for Fusion for new setups. There are a lot of resources available for the Apex. I believe Neptune has a community, there is-or at least was- a manual that can be downloaded/accessed, and some other things(programming,etc). The Neptune site could be very handy for him so he can reach out quickly whenever needed.
  15. Yes i have already done the factory reset a few times now but I can't get the green light on to the apex brain where the eathernet cord plugs into. Only the orange light comes on. I have tested the eathernet cord with other devices and it works fine. I have downloaded the firmware to my laptop and plugged in a eathernet cord from laptop to the controller like it says and still getting error trying to transfer the new firmware i have printed off directions and have been following them so I honestly am not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  16. I would really appreciate it I'm planning on being home most of day so let me know what works for you
  17. blackx-runner also said he may be able to come by as well so whoever can make it I would appreciate it alot.
  18. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    It sounds like you might need to manually put in the IP address.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
  19. ya I tried that as well yesterday I even called mediacom to get my IP subnet mask address and gateway I put them all in manually and still nothing.
  20. jeremy Acro Addict

    Davenport, IA
    +836 / 4 / -0
    Take your time. Be patient. David or Eric will get you going. Once they get it going you will really like it.

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