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New guy across the Mississippi

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by PimpMyPc, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. PimpMyPc

    PimpMyPc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Hello all,

    New in the saltwater game, with not a whole lot of experience but I've done my homework and know what's going on for the most part lol. My SAAB has decided it no longer wants to explode so I decided to pick up this as another hobby besides fixing cars. That and I've always wanted to have a fish tank setup since I was little and my parents had one. Aiming for a reef tank ideally, nothing too crazy.

    With that said, here's what I have so far:

    40 gallon breeder tank, with about 1.5" of coral sand and about 50w of florescent lighting (one daylight, one plant)

    Fluval Aquaclear 50 power filter that I cut the foam/mesh filter in half to make a little extra room for a Seachem Purigen organic waste filter, the ceramic bio pellet filter and then the carbon on top.

    Aqueon 700 circulation pump

    Aqueon 150w heater

    The tank gravel, I had purchased 2 16lb bags of live coral sand/gravel from petco, but then my roommate bought a 90 gallon tank that was a saltwater about 2 days before he bought it (I was going to use a 29 gallon tank we had) and had a good amount of coral gravel in it. So I got his 40 gallon tank/light/stand setup. I returned one bag of gravel since I opened the other already because it was leaking and put that in, with about half of a kitty litter bucket worth of gravel I salvaged from the 90 gallon tank. That gravel was filthy though, I tried cleaning it up best I could and put it in, but it was still nasty. This was monday night, and I've been using the gravel vac to suck all the junk out and its about 90% clean.

    Right now the salinity is at 1.020, water temp is 80F, PH is 8.0, Ammonia is at 2.0PPM (yikes), Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is between 5-10 PPM, Calcium is at 320PPM. I need to get a test kit for KH yet. On my todo list is a 50% water change to hopefully curb the ammonia from the nasty gravel and the resulting higher nitrate, look for some conditioner/supplement to bring up the calcium and/or PH a bit, hoping to hit at least 400PPM calcium and a ph of 8.2, and come up with a test kit for KH. Also need a decent protein skimmer since I'm not sure how effective the purigen will be.



    From what I can tell, the tank is off to a good start otherwise, the bacteria are doing their job considering nitrites are 0 and nitrates are on the rise. I am looking for a source of live rock, coral and whatnot. Being in the southwest corner of wisconsin doesn't give me a good selection.

    Any pointers would be appreciated. Fish are a bit different than cars lol.

  2. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Get some rock in there and let it cycle, with no livestock there is no reason to do a water change. just let the nitrogen cycle run its coarse and build the bacterial colonies. No reason at all to worry about calcium or kh at this time now. Just wait, then wait some more, and when you think you've waited long enough wait a couple more weeks and add a small fish or two, nothing more. The key to a successful start is to take everything slow. If a problem arises, take actions slowly and cautiously. Its usually the sudden changes caused by our attempts to fix a problem that do more harm than anything else.

    Other than that, welcome to the world of saltwater, and welcome to GIRS.
  3. mpivit Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +28 / 1 / -0
    Patience in the beginning is key. For me the hardest part by far was doing nothing for the first couple months. Then adding fish slowly.
    You probably want to get some live rock in there as well to help with the cycle.

    Glad to see somebody new from the area, welcome.

  4. iadubber

    iadubber Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome to the waiting game! I agree with dropping some rock in there and start that cycle sooner than later.

    I grew up outside of Cuba City between Belmont and Platteville so it's my old stomping grounds up there!
  5. PimpMyPc

    PimpMyPc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Update: Tank is settled in, got 40lbs of live rock, 10 gallon sump with a coralife skimmer, the aquaclear hob full of carbon, 150w heater and filter floss. Redid the light fixture so now it has 3 daylight bulbs, the plant bulb, actinic bulb and a 50/50 bulb. I also found my old 35w HID bulbs from the Taurus so now I have 2 8000k HID bulbs in addition to the 150w of fluorescent lighting. http://imageshack.com/a/img22/8310/ro7n.jpg

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