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New here

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by AquariumAddictions, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. AquariumAddictions

    AquariumAddictions Inactive User

    +11 / 0 / -0
    So I am new to the SW hobby. Always had fresh, then decided to take on the new challenge. My set up is small, 75 gallon. 2 HOB marine lands, Emperor 400 and penguin 280. 2 Hydor Korilia 600 gph power heads, Marine land LED lighting ( need to upgrade for corals). About 90#s of live sand and 50# of live rock. I am in week 3 of the cycle and anxious... thank god for patience right???
  2. Lee

    Lee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome! Make sure you stay patient and go slow!
  3. Welcome! What kind of fish are you wanting? or are on your "wish list?"
  4. AquariumAddictions

    AquariumAddictions Inactive User

    +11 / 0 / -0
    I am leaning towards a couple cleaner shrimp, crabs (pompom, emerald), a few snails. Then a pair of ocellaris clowns, a mandarin either blue or spotted, copper band butterfly, a falco dwarf hawk fish, a cardinal or two, maybe a flame angel and a tridacna clam. Then later on I will add corals as I learn along the way.
  5. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    Welcome! Are you planning to add more rock? IME, you are a little light on rock /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif This is a great place to learn and ask questions :0) Asking before doing can help you out a lot! Patience is a virtue! :0)

    The Ds. Ms. region is having their DIY Food meeting this month. There will be many members there helping out so an opportunity for you to meet a lot of members! As a non-member, you can attend 1 meeting :0) You will not be able to purchase any of the food (which is great fish & coral food, all in one...and cheap) unless you become a paying member for $20... There's a Join Link at the top of page if you think you are interested. Also, with the $20 membership, there are many perks available :0)

    Again, Welcome and looking forward to meeting you in the future! :0)
  6. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Welcome to the hobby, we've got a lot of great members here always willing to help out. Don't hesitate to ask for help or advice along the way.
  7. nickbuol Here fishy, fishy, fishy...

    Marion, IA
    +17 / 0 / -0

    Just some thoughts on your "wish list". Keep in mind that there are always exceptions, but as a general rule based off of inherent species behavior:

    Only get 1 cleaner shimp. Two in that size tank usually turns into 1 in the end anyway, unless you get luck with a male/female pair.
    Emerald crabs, while slow, are fun to watch. I always thought that the pom-poms were funny. Not sure about how to care for the pom-pom.
    Snails are great. Be sure to get a mix and make sure that you get snails that can right themselves should they fall off of the glass or some rock.
    Ocellaris are great. Less agressive than most other clowfish species.
    Mandarin. Look so cool, but can starve SO quickly. *IF* you get one, wait a long time to do so. Make sure that your sandbed is FULL of pods and such and that they are reproducing, or this cool little fish with starve.
    Copper Banded Butterfly fish really needs a bigger tank than 75 gallons, and is considered pretty difficult to keep alive. If you "have to have" a butterfly and are willing to sell it or re-home it when it gets too big, then try an Auriga. One of the easiest butterflies out ther.
    Hawkfish. I love how they perch. Never had one, so no experience there. Should be fine, juts be aware of agression possibilities.
    Cardinals are pretty easy and just "float" in the water.
    Flame Angel, gorgeous fish in my opinion. Just be aware that like other angelfish, it *might* pick at corals.
    Clams, always wanted one, never wanted to deal with them. Someone else can give better advice.

    Just looking to offer some insight based off of experience and research. ReefCentral has a massive thread about stocking lists where an expert will tell you about any potential issues. the idea is to encourage success, not to discourage desires.

    Good luck, and again, welcome.

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