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Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jim, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. Hello All!!!

    My Name is Jim I live in Cedar Rapids and I have done freshwater for over 25 years and have now jumped fully into the salt water world. I have always had a passion for tanks this is just so fustrating getting started LOL Nothing like freshwater lol. I have a 65 Gallon tank about 40lbs of rock and 50 lbs of sand. all from a member on here that has been helping me alot .Plus a big thank you to roman for the like new sump. ( I just didnt measure and it wont fit under tank). I really want to start and have alot of basic things and just a few fish. I am thinking of things that may grow fast to keep my interest and not get discouraged LOL. I also really really want to have a nice mixture of anomenies. Ihave my salinity at .21 temp is at 78 I added all my rock and sand last night and it is still very cloudy any suggestions??? I have not hooked up sump yet I did by a over the tank filter to try to help take out cloudyness but not helping so far. Just want to know if I am doing something wrong is all?

    Thanks, Jim
  2. Big John

    Big John Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Welcome Jim!
    It almost sounds like you are in a hurry to get things going----that's the last thing you want to do! You must have patients or you will be throwing money right out the door, IMO saltwater and freshwater are completely different and not just because of the obvious, the whole cycle process is so much longer with SW and I think its so easy to loose patients! Take your time and do it right the first time.
    You live in a great area there in CR, there's a bunch of good seasoned club members in your area----take advantage of any help you can get out of any of them willing to help you out.
    Good Luck!

    Oh almost forgot, I'd get that sump going as soon as possible.
  3. Ty for the advice I am not losing patience Iam just concerned I am doing something wrong is all I put sand in at about 10pm sat night and now its 1230 am monday morning and it is still very cloudy!!!it basically has not got any better all day so forgive me if I am seeming eager but I just want to be sure I am doing everything ok
  4. Rocketmann


    +0 / 0 / -0
    It does seem odd. Unless something is stirring up the sand it should be clear by now. Do you have any filter pads catching anything? My pad was filthy after an overnight run and water was clear by then.
  5. Tickyty

    Tickyty Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Is there too much flow stirring up the sand? You mentioned that you got the sand from a member, was the sand clean or did you clean it? You may need to get a larger filter to help pull out all for the gunk clouding up the tank. It soulnds like you have dirty sand to me.
  6. currently I only have a over the side filter running and it is not helping much so at this point I am assuming it is dirty sand i have been told not to start the tank up because sand and stuff will get into sump so I am just really confused on what to do and next steps to take

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