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New Reef Build

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ricowind67, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Corallimorph

    Corallimorph Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Cool project, I can control my thermostat and my reef angel with the IPhone which is cool. However, your home automation project... Awesome!
    Good luck!
  2. thanks, Corallimorph
  3. mcclandy


    +1 / 0 / -0
    Nice! I LOVE the projects you have and are working on! I like to tinker with that kind of stuff. Mostly DIY LED stuff lately. Here is one of the projects: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/makersled/makersled-diy-high-power-led-fixtures-0
  4. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    holy **** man! that PLC set up is intense! How much have you sunk into that system? What types of controls will be included? how big is this build going to be again?
  5. Tickyty

    Tickyty Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wow. I know this is time intensive, the type of stuff I'm used to seeing in automated equipment builds in manufacturing settings. This will be sweet when completed.
  6. Thank you for all the compliments, appreciated.

    To answer Andy's question on the Money value that was spent on this project, well not as much as you think. Most of it is from Ebay and there is tons of automation stuff going for pennies on the dollar. With the combination of new automations coming into play to save money, or just companies that have closed and are selling their gear which makes many of these components very cheap and most of them were new in the box.
    PLC’s are pretty easy to learn and configure, I looked into Arduino which was cheaper but I really like reliability of PLC’s.
    I probably have fewer than 900 dollars on just the control stuff, which in relation to off the shelf products out there, I would say it’s a wash.
    The tank will be a 60x36x20 187 gallons, open top from Great Lakes aquariums,it will arrive mid-April in 1 piece (I Hope).
    On down the line, I want to build the following
    • LED fixture with 1-10 volt varied driver that will be controlled via PLC through output that will be configured to apply the 0-10volts to the drivers. It will also have the heat sinks possibly liquid cooled with separate heat exchange (still in planning phase) depends on the types of LED’s that are used.
    • Water change system that will mix and slowly change water over the course of the month.
    • The ETSS I am going to give a makeover to have a DC stepper motor that will power 2 cleaning brushes which will be in conjunction with a spray down system.
    • A leak detector will be installed so that when water is detected it will open a chain of relays which will stop all pumps; there will also be normally closed solenoid valves on all gravity drains that will close in the event of a disaster.(I have had this happen,…fun)
    • Normal functions such as auto top off, temp, PH control(tank and Kalkreactor), lighting,..etc
    • All parameters will be archived and logged and viewable through Visual basic and 2 separate touchscreens.
    I admit this is total overkill, but it will automate my entire home as well, zone heating and cooling, security (locks) and of course the reef will be fully automated with no limits to expansion.

    I know what you’re thinking,. This guy has way too much time on his hands,…=)
    Once again thanks,
  7. /Portals/0/activeforums_Attach/pH_hmi.jpghttp://www.greateriowareefsociety.org/users/ricowind67#showtab=photos&asview=asimagems=2729
  8. New PH HMI control screen
  9. Corallimorph

    Corallimorph Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Awesome, i am interested in your setup, i did got the arduino route (reef angel)... So, keep posting, btw I can't wait till April when the tank arrives!
  10. /Portals/0/activeforums_Attach/pH_2hmi.jpgneeds some tweaks but her is some more
  11. some pics of the reef build update at this location,..thanks for looking
  12. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    That link doesn't appear to be working correctly.
  13. try this one and let me know please
  14. Pete H.

    Pete H. Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yep. The link above is working. Copy and paste in a browser worked for me.
    Sweet build by the way. I would love to do a controls system project like this down the road some day. Inspirational!
  15. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    I keep getting a page wanting me to create a web album.

  16. https://picasaweb.google.com/101853454597274946919/July6201202?authuser=0&feat=directlink
    your using this link?
    here is the thread on reef central
  17. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    that link finally worked

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