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Petland Stocklist 4/29

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Brett Petland WDM, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. Brett Petland WDM

    Brett Petland WDM Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey this is Brett from petland i finally got signed up. here is my current stock list
    Fire Shrimp
    Yellow Damsels
    Yellow Clown Goby
    Red Miniatus Grouper
    Pygmy Angelfish
    Strawberry Dottyback
    Blue Damsels
    Strombus Conch
    Blackcap Basslet
    Bumble Bee Snail
    Brittle Serpent Starfish
    Pink Skunk Clown
    Percula Clowns
    Purple Tang
    Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
    Scarlet Hermit Crabs
    Sexy Shrimp
    Clown Trigger
    Emerald Crabs
    Electric Blue Knuckle Hermit Crabs
    Bullseye Pistol Shrimp
    Jewel Damsels
    Arrow Crab
    Orange Anthias
    Banggai Cardnialfish
    FiJi Liverock $6.99/lb
    Open Brain
    Closed Brain
    Feather Duster
    Yellow Polyp
    Candy Coral
    Blue Mushroom on rock
    Green Ricordia
    Red Carribean Mushroom
    Watermelon Mushroom
    Assorted Nano Corals
    Red Meat
    Assorted Zoanthids
    Flower Leather
    Finger Leather
    Green Button Polyps
    Pulsing Xenia
    Green Stripe Mushroom
    Orange Ricordia
    Umbrella Corllimorph Mushroom
    Green Star Polyps
    Colt Coral
    Blue Ricordia
    Bubble Ricordia
    Fancy Ricordia
    Anthilia on XLG. Rock
    Yellow Gorgoian
    Just come in and talk to me or Ron.
  2. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Just got home from picking up Star Polyps and green Ricordia with 3 mouths for $54. Im telling you these guys have low prices and good customer service. Havnt met Brett yet but Ron is cool and took care of me. The star polyp was about 4" on a pound of rock for 36$ and the Ric was 18$. They have a couple nice blue rics, and some other cool things they got in today. The clown trigger they have is awesome too. Props to Pet Land... Always nice to have another LFS to go to.
  3. dewdad

    dewdad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Glad to see that people are checking petland out finally and giving such great coments to them. It was just a couple of months ago that xmasia posted about their new SW section and everyone was bashing them. Have not been in for a while but will be this weekend. Good to have you on board as a sponsor and member,great job Bret & Ron and hope to see the store expand soon.
  4. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If you stopped selling puppy mill dogs I might shop there.
  5. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    thats a whole seperate issue. Im not going to disagree about that as ive read and watched all the horrible videos also but its not like these guys have any control over that nor can they fix it. They are just trying to do the best they can to get the Aquatics department up and going and provide another place to go as far as LFS. Im a huge animal lover myself and have two dogs and trust me if any of us could control or change the disgusting people who support the puppy mills we would. Id sit a few nights in jail if I could have 5 minutes alone with any sicko who supports these puppy mills but brett and ron have nothing to do with that no can they change it. So again I back you on ur negative feelings towards what Pet Land has earned a rep for but lets not knock these guys for trying to do something good. My 2cents....
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Jtown on 04/30/2009 09:13 AM
    thats a whole seperate issue. Im not going to disagree about that as ive read and watched all the horrible videos also but its not like these guys have any control over that nor can they fix it. They are just trying to do the best they can to get the Aquatics department up and going and provide another place to go as far as LFS. Im a huge animal lover myself and have two dogs and trust me if any of us could control or change the disgusting people who support the puppy mills we would. Id sit a few nights in jail if I could have 5 minutes alone with any sicko who supports these puppy mills but brett and ron have nothing to do with that no can they change it. So again I back you on ur negative feelings towards what Pet Land has earned a rep for but lets not knock these guys for trying to do something good. My 2cents.... First a disclaimer...I really don't think this is the appropriate place to be having this conversation as it is disrespectful to the vendor to spam their post with this discussion.  Having said that, since it has already been started by someone other than me...
    Can I ask a question, Jtown? Do you shop at Petland? If you shop at Petland, you kinda already are supporting the puppy mills as you are voting with your dollar and supporting those they do business with them.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    And to try to bring this back to the original post, what's killing me is that I would really like to go check out the Ricordia.
  8. Brett Petland WDM

    Brett Petland WDM Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By h2so4hurts on 04/30/2009 08:56 AM
    If you stopped selling puppy mill dogs I might shop there.
    this is Ron at petland, thanks again Jtown for coming in and checking some new stuff out and thanks to everybodyelse.
    just to let you know the new owners and store mgr here don't get their puppies from puppy mills. they buy from local breeders from all the surrounding states, so if you do breed puppies come in and talk to one of them and see what they can do for you.
    and like jtown said previously, me and Brett work aquatics dept. only. so when you support us, we get credit for it and funds to improve our area, not the whole store.
  9. Brett Petland WDM

    Brett Petland WDM Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    oh and i don't know what iowa city does at thier store, but here at west des moines, we're obviously running things differently, which is nice, and i enjoy working here because of it
  10. Jtown

    Jtown Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well Clown, I actually do not shop at Pet Land and have never purchased anything other than from the aquatics dept. So call it what you want but if I thought for one second that me not supporting a couple cool guys in a separte department, of a single store, of a GIANT Corporation would impact the puppy mill operation that some stores partake in then I wouldnt support it but since you cant hold either of them accountable for that nor change it in any way then I will continue to visit the store and get great deals on corals and fish. If somebdy wants to debate this topic it should be done in another thread as you stated earlier its inappropriate to hijack this thread over a few diverse oppinions. Since you asked me directly, I felt it appropropriate to reply.
  11. xmasia

    xmasia Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    i  think a mod needs to comin here and explain to the yahoo or yahoos that there is no puppies for sell in this stock list,and to keep ANY comments wether good or bad. contructive is good as im sure Ron and Brett wouldnt mind as long as its related to topic which looks to be FISH and CORALS hmmmmmmm seems to be what this site is about also.come on mods step on this before you lose a sponsor............thanks Ron and Brett for being a sponsor and providing another place to shop. dont sell everything before this weekend.
  12. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    wow.. way to support people who r wanting to support ur hobby... as long as they do the best they can with fish and coral they should be praised.. plus, mills will continue to exist no matter what.. b/c everyone of u know that if u can buy a maltese for $400 instead of $1400, ur gunna get the cheaper one... thanks for providing the des moines area with decent corals and fish. lord knows they need it!
  13. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    We do not want to censor anyone, but the sponsors forum is NOT the place for this debate. 
    There are plenty of places where you can have civil discussions regarding topics like this, but anyone who purposely harasses a vendor or sponsor in this area will have their posting rights removed.
    If you have an issue with a particular vendor or sponsor, please be respectful and take it to private messages. 
  14. gb387

    gb387 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for keeping us posted on your stock list! IMO the above post should be deleted, as we are trying to get support in the DSM area for OUR hobby.
  15. xmasia

    xmasia Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Ron and Brett,

    Are or can you do special orders when you place your order?
  16. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    I suggest to those trying to keep this topic off topic to stop or you'll be taking a vacation from this site. Members and non-members alike will not be allowed to badger sponsors, and sponsors are not allowed to badger members. Simple rules we all win.
  17. DragonGT83

    DragonGT83 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By xmasia on 05/01/2009 01:26 PM

    Ron and Brett,

    Are or can you do special orders when you place your order?
    i believe they can, if its on their list. i asked about some plecos for my african tanks and they got an awesome list of them. also looked for some nano corals of course.[​IMG]
  18. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Everyone but the puppies win. It's pretty disgusting that you'd accept money from and defend a very well known puppy mill supporter. I haven't signed up to be a club member yet just because I don't have time to attend events. Being a PhD graduate student in molecular biology, I spend most of my time in lab doing experiments. As I am closing in on graduation, I was looking forward to having more time and becomming more involved, but now that you're accepting blood money from Petland, that won't happen, ever. I know there are other members that feel the same way, and some have already requested to drop their membership. Do what's right for the club, the animals, and the smaller more reputable fish establishments. I already offered JB $100 to cover Petland's sponsorship if you drop them, but it sounds like you guys are not interested in doing what is ethical. Dollar signs for site sponsorship (and probably swap sponsorship) speak louder I guess.

    By deleting the off topic post, which JB said was the appropriate place for discussion, you've made a bold statement about how this club operates. Enjoy your petland sponsorship. I am done with this website and club. Good luck to you all in the future. And please, think of the puppies next time you go shopping.
  19. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    Posted By h2so4hurts on 05/02/2009 08:57 AM 
    I haven't signed up to be a club member yet just because I don't have time to attend events.
    Almost 600 posts, yet you havent gotten enough out of the club to pay $20 & be an actual member?
  20. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Let's make something clear hear.  This is not at all about money.  The base sponsorship fee is only $40 and even if it was $100, the club does not NEED the money.  The members of this club are free to raise issues about any topic in the club business forum, including sponsorships.   If there is enough concern about an issue, a vote will be taken and action will be taken based on the majority opinion of club members.
    What we are not going to do is change the rules or operation of the club based on the beliefs one person (or a small group of people) even if their heart is in the right place.   The world is full of examples of why it's not a good idea to go down that path.
    So, if there are any club members reading this that want to put this or any other issue to a vote, follow the process outlined above and the board will act based on the results, otherwise please drop it as we've had enough drama.
    This topic is now closed.

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