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Polling for a new CR/IC Grill-out Date?

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by CyberJester, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey all,
    I have been looking at the May 1st Grill out at my house, and while I don't have anything pressing that prevents me from doing it.  I have my daughters on Saturdays while my wife works which is spread throughout the day.
    There were several from the area also that said they could not be there (including the other area trustee).  So, I thought I would poll to see if there is a better day to do this.  I am going to do Sunday's on the poll so that I know that I will have the bandwidth.  However, I will keep the May 1st date on the poll due to the short notice, and don't worry I won't put the Spring fest weekend on there.  The time for this will most likely be a constant for the event of lets say 4ish to 8ish (eating at about 5:30).
    CR/IC Area Trustee
  2. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I voted for Sunday May 23rd but either the 23rd or the 30th will work. Just so long as its after school gets out on the 14th /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif Plus, it might be kind of fun the weekend after frag fest because the event will still be on people's minds and we'll all want to share what goodies we got /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif
  3. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Kylie on 04/21/2010 09:05 PM
    I voted for Sunday May 23rd but either the 23rd or the 30th will work. Just so long as its after school gets out on the 14th /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif Plus, it might be kind of fun the weekend after frag fest because the event will still be on people's minds and we'll all want to share what goodies we got /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif
    Kylie that is a really good point.  Nothing like hearing stories about the wild fish crew destroying hotels! 
  4. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By CyberJester on 04/21/2010 09:10 PM

    Posted By Kylie on 04/21/2010 09:05 PM
    I voted for Sunday May 23rd but either the 23rd or the 30th will work. Just so long as its after school gets out on the 14th /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif Plus, it might be kind of fun the weekend after frag fest because the event will still be on people's minds and we'll all want to share what goodies we got /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif
    Kylie that is a really good point.  Nothing like hearing stories about the wild fish crew destroying hotels! 
  5. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    I'll make any Sunday work as I always work on Saturdays.
    Looking forward to it!
  6. CyberJester

    CyberJester Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It looks like Sunday May 23rd is the clear winner for the CR/IC grill out.
    I am going to move the grill out to this date.
    Please place on your calendars, I will update the CR/IC calendar to this date.
    I will also be sending out a system email to those in the CR/IC group to reflect this change.
    As the date draws near I will post address information for those of you who do not know where I live.
    Hope to see you all there
    CR/IC Area Trustee

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