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Advice? protein skimmers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cameron lake, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. cameron lake Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +129 / 3 / -0
    hey everyone this thread is for people that cant decide what brand or model skimmer they should buy or don't no if they even need a skimmer.for those of you that don't no what a protein skimmers do they remove waste bye creating bubbles, The bubbles propel the waste materials up to the surface of the reaction chamber, where dissolved protein and other contaminants are physically removed from the water column and contained in the collection cup. By generating millions of air bubbles, protein skimmers also replenish oxygen levels in the entire aquarium. there are many kinds of skimmers out there.
    • in sump skimmers
    • hang on back skimmers
    • nano skimmers
    • recirculating skimmers
    • space saver skimmers
    • external skimmers
    now for those of you wondering do i need a skimmer. i personaly think if you have a 30 gallon or less tank you don't need one they will be fine just not really going to work as well as if you had a larger setup for tanks 45 gallons and up i think should all have skimmers.for those of you with nano tanks that think you need a skimmers i can recommend skim mate from innovative marine skimmer all the others are junk. i recommend you also pick a skimmer that is made to handle a way bigger setup then what you have. id say a good rule of thumb is two buy a skimmer 3x the size of your tank for an example if you have a 100 gallon tank don't go out an buy a skimmer that can handle a 100 gallon tank look for the big boy 300 gallon skimmer.

    Now for you guys wondering what skimmers work good and are worth buying and for those won's that should be avoided this next list if for you.

    (good skimmer brands )
    .reef octipus
    .bubble king
    .avast marine
    (bad skimmers)
    all hang on backs and nano skimmers
    coralife skimmers
    cpr skimmers
    all off brands
    any questions hope this thread helped you.

  2. epatters05

    Cedar Rapids
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Im actually in the market for my 1st skimmer. Have looked and talked around, have one in mind for my setup.

    Reef Octopus Classic 8 Inch Internal Protein Skimmer CLSC-225INT

    I think this may be the one i go with, good brand, good components, size. The foot print is a prime factor for me since i will be using a 29g sump and i am limited on space a bit. And this will have enough capacity for me to upgrade to a 48" 120g display with a 48" 55g sump.
    --- Auto-Merged, Oct 27, 2015 ---

  3. cameron lake Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +129 / 3 / -0
    nice pick i love this brand are really good brand and has really good customer support my skimmer had a something wrong with it i called them they sent me a new one over night.

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