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Puppy expert out there?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by bladerunner, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. bladerunner Well-Known ReefKeeper

    des moines
    +7 / 1 / -0
    I know this isn't exactly the correct species we are all used to but I like to get information from people I can trust. With that being said, a week ago I bought a 12w husky. I know house breaking can be difficult and annoying but the pup absolutely will not go "potty" outside. She has no problem holding it while I am at work and even if I take her outside for another 2 hours, she waits until we get back inside to go. I've slowing got her to use a potty pad but it has been ify.

    I guess what I'm asking is either direct help on the site
    Trusted source online
    Trusted source in the Des Moines area (private or business)

    Also if this is deemed not to be allowed on the site I'll take PM's until it gets taken down ;)
  2. You might check with Iowa Pet Foods and Aquatics aka Seascapes. They might be able to point you in the right direction. They have work with several animal behaviorists. Also you might check with @Armydog@Armydog if memory serves correctly he helps run fourpaws and may have some suggestions as well.
  3. NotCptJackSparrow New User

    +3 / 0 / -0
    They make sprays and posts you put in the ground to help mark a potty spot outside to get them started. You can buy them at Petco or Petsmart if you want to try them but I found that getting on a schedule and sticking to it works much better. If she's starting to go on a puppy pad move it closer and closer to the door each day until you finally move it outside. When able take her out about every 3-4 hours on a schedule (or what your work schedule allows while at home with her) and praise and treats when she does go outside. You might have to walk her around for a good 10 minutes or so. The hardest thing is all the distractions so continuing to say "go potty" or whatever your signal is for her is good too. Potty training is tough but keep it up! Congrats on your new puppy!
  4. abower Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Ryan, Ia
    +74 / 1 / -0
    Potty pads are not a good idea. They assert that it's okay to go on something obsorbant such as carpet.

    I would recommend a kennel only big enough for the pup to stand up and lay down unincumbered. Let the pup outside, if he goes then let him in house free for no more than two hours. If not pup goes back in the kinnel. Repeat this every 30 minutes until pup goes. Sounds like a lot of work but worth it. Keep in mind dogs are pack animals who function in a dominant higharchy. The kinnel routine will help assert.

    My boxer is and always has been leash less and fence less. If she starts to ignore me I say kinnel and her whole attitude changes.
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  5. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    My Fiance owns 4 paws unleashed she has trained many dogs. We had an issue with a farm dog that we fostered she had it potty trained in 3 days

    If you want you can give me a call sometime and she can answer any of your questions.

  6. bladerunner Well-Known ReefKeeper

    des moines
    +7 / 1 / -0
    Last night from about 4 to 11 I took her out every 20mins for 10 mins and she just would not go. I could eventually get her to go on a pad inside but that's it. Also I've got the pad moved right next to the door and even put one outside but no go. I heard about the puppy spray/sticks but most reviews on them are negative. I'm going for the hard kennel training today so I guess we'll see how that goes. Honestly I would settle for just 1 time out side! lol

    Thanks everyone and Armydog I'll probably get a hold of you after the holiday if it's not better.
  7. stew Well-Known ReefKeeper GIRS Member

    Ankeny, IA
    +72 / 0 / -0
    Huskies can be notoriously hard to train. Their energy level reminds me of the energizer bunny and it doesn't slow down much until they are 8 or so. A bored husky can also be quite destructive. How do I know all this - we've owned three. You'd think we'd learn. I recommend you call Armydog as he suggested. Corine is great with dogs.
  8. Not a fan of PeePads...teaches pups that it's okay to go indoors and can be confusing when you're trying to teach them that they're supposed to go outdoors. I think someone else mentioned routine and this is important. Puppies need to go out as soon as they wake up, finish eating, or finish playing. Take her out for a walk and keep walking her ON LEASH until she goes "Potty". If you keep walking her.....she's going to pee. When she goes, use the word "potty" and tell her she's a "good girl". When she squats to go in the house, you need to be there to respond as soon as she squats with a VERY loud "NO!" or "STOP" or just a growl type noise that is the word/noise that you want to use for corrections. You have to be there to catch her so you can teach her...it will do no good if she goes and you find it later. Immediately take her outside and say "potty", walk her until she goes and again say "potty, good girl". Once she finds an area in the yard that she likes, consistently take her to the same area. Always use the word "potty" and praise her when she goes.....she'll eventually go on command. If you can't be in the room and supervising her, then she needs to be in her "room" (kennel) so she can't make a mistake without immediate and consistent correction. Hope this helps.

    BTW.....Cyclone Country Kennel Club in Ames has some great training classes and can help with problems as well as helping with socialization and teaching you how to train your new pup. Val Hinz also teaches classes in Ames. I've taken every one of my Chows there, just for the opportunity to get them around other people and friendly dogs for socialization. You can find the kennel club online....I can give you info for Val if you're interested. I believe that she's going to have a puppy class starting in a couple of weeks.
  9. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    This may sound really stupid, but give it some privacy outside & see if it goes.

    Our malamutte is very similar to a husky, and she is modest believe it or not.

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