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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xmasia, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    While I agree with nearly everything that was said AGAINST puppy mills here, I do have one thing to add, namely on the attitude of some posters. One can get his/her point across much more profoundly by not tossing insults and speaking in a derogatory manner. Let's make this (and all other threads) constructive, rather than shooting insults at others because of different viewpoints. After a while, even those persons who have much knowledge in any field will just tend to get toned out when the sole purpose of their post *SEEMS* to be to slam the other guy into the ground /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/crying.gif
  2. xmasia

    xmasia Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    heres my take on mills if you breed puppys for profit your a puppy mill.the thing we need to look at is it a good mill or a bad mill.if a store is buying dogs from a good mill,one that has there dogs checked buy a vet all the time there place is always clean the dogs and puppys are treated right what is the issue.i bet most of you that hate petland do because they got nailed when the first opened.have they changed there ways? guess you wouldnt know your still assuming from the first bad rap they got and ill say deserved.thats fine tho dont go there it will just leave more good priced fish and coral for me to choose from.
    reason i started this thread is some people dont know how to post in threads and keep it topic specific.... If you stopped selling puppy mill dogs I might shop there. please help me clear this up on how this is related to fish and coral stock list h2o
  3. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    The term puppy mill refers to large-scale dog breeding facilities. Furthermore, it is generally used to describe such facilities that keep their animals in poor conditions. Changing a definition or saying what you or I think a puppy mill is sort of defeats the purpose, it is still no different than what it was before. You are right in saying they may have changed their ways. The only way to know this is to ask for them to show proof of where their animals came from. A store owner may be hesitant to do this, however, since it can cut their profits (ie. I could just go buy a dog from the breeder they get their dogs from). I guess the question is, do you forgive them? It seems some on this forum do, and some do not. I do think it is fair to point out some of the things they do (or have done) that are questionable, even though they have no connection with their aquarium shop. It is fine to want to shop at one place over another purely based on a price factor. To some people, money is not everything though, especially in a hobby where nothing we purchase is actually necessary and all of it is supererogatory.
  4. h2so4hurts

    h2so4hurts Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It has absolutely nothing to do with corals, but business practices determine where I shop. Petland supports and purchases dogs from puppy mills. It's a proven fact. Reputable dealers will not sell to pet stores. Why? Because they can make a bigger profit selling on their own AND these people love their animals and want credit for their work. Why do puppy mills sell their dogs to pet stores? Because if any sane person saw where these puppies came from, they would not buy them.

    As far as "fish mills" go. If you've been in this hobby for more than a week, you know pristine water conditions are required just for the survival of your fish. Breeding them is a whole new ball game.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Xmasia - I am pretty sure that there was someone other than myself or h2o that decided to be an instigator in the vendor's thread. As lordofthereef said, it is a free country and you can choose to shop wherever you want. If price is all that is important to you, that is your right.

    I personally just find the fact that we are pimping Petland to be very sad. I have no doubt that the fish guys at Petland are nice guys and might even have nice stuff, but the company they work for (and/or the chain of franchises) is morally bankrupt. I can't separate the fact that they support puppy mills with how "nice" the fish department is.
  6. DragonGT83

    DragonGT83 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By DSMClown on 05/01/2009 07:01 PM
    Xmasia - I am pretty sure that there was someone other than myself or h2o that decided to be an instigator in the vendor's thread. As lordofthereef said, it is a free country and you can choose to shop wherever you want. If price is all that is important to you, that is your right.
    I personally just find the fact that we are pimping Petland to be very sad. I have no doubt that the fish guys at Petland are nice guys and might even have nice stuff, but the company they work for (and/or the chain of franchises) is morally bankrupt. I can't separate the fact that they support puppy mills with how "nice" the fish department is.
    i actually saw a breeder bring in 2 pups to petland while i was there. i kind of stopped her outside to ask and she says she breeds them herself and sells them to the store. looks like the new owners of that place got things worked out for them puppies. i even saw the vet there checking on them, and i guess he goes in every week.
    and as far as franchises go, these guys at petland are doing things all on their own. thats why their quality and selection is great. i know this cuz i have worked at the other 2 main ones when i was younger and couldn't do nothing different and had to order from segrest no matter what, so i quit. go to petco at jordan creek, they got 4 freakin triggers in one small tank, i asked whats goin on here, the guy said he couldn't do nothing about it. he told me his store mgr. and corporate told him he had to keep it that way.
  7. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I think, for the most part, people on this forum would rather not go to Petco either /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/sick.gif
  8. xmasia

    xmasia Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    ill have to agree with h2o statement here
    By deleting the off topic post, which JB said was the appropriate place for discussion, you've made a bold statement about how this club operates. and jason just because your a board member dont give you the right to post in my name and sign by you,you delete the whole thread and still put your 2 cents in wow.
  9. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Just for the record, Jason and I tend to have different methods when dealing with issues like this, but as webmaster I've asked him not to remove posts like this in the future as I don't believe it ultimately helps anything.   In his defense, he wasn't purposely trying to make anyone mad, he just wanted to de-drama the site.   Afterall, it's a fish club...  How much drama do we need? :)
    Anyway, let's move on.

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