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Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoas on the move

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eric, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0
    Small colony seems to be on the move.
    Don't know if they are looking to expand, don't like the neighbors, are done with the frag plug (have been on it w/neighbors 4-5months) or are still adjusting to the lights and trying to hide - my guess is a little of all with the emphasis on the lights.
    Getting lazy with the pics - used to at least crop with PS3, now I'm just uploading and re-sizing with Photobucket.
    Biocube - Frag to the left (Bill's new frag from Matt on the right)
    March 7th - Couple of days in the new tank
    March 26th - Coloration is still off, but most corals have gotten lighter while adjusting to T5's (or the Tech M overdose)
    Yesterday, March 31st.  You can see that the polyps still on the plug have piggybacked, and the polyp to the lower left has stretched onto the rock and already produced buds.
    Night shot
    Don't mind the red cotton candy algae or the bubble algae [​IMG].  Still a new tank, haven't done much but the Tech M - not even a water change yet (not quite 30 days)
    Other than the coloration, I'm getting good growth in the tank.
    These from 7 to 12 or 13 polyps
    AOG's from 14 to 20+ polyps
    Orange Bam-Bams 6-9 polyps
    Green & Red caps growing
    Rainbow Frogspawn from 6 to 8 heads
    Aptasia - looks like I have healthy specimens!!
  2. Eric Experienced Reefkeeper

    West Des Moines, IA
    +33 / 0 / -0

    Within the last 24 hrs, 1st pic is a cropped and tweaked (minor) with PS4, second is original resized.

    Looks like the actinics bleached the pic but the coloration is coming back and they are obviously starting to look happy.


    I really need to start paying attention to my camera settings for better results - I've shot like over 8,000 pics with this camera and it has potential - I'm the weakest link [​IMG]

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