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Selling all Live Stock SPS,LPS,Fish,CLAM,ANEMONE and more

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by cagri, May 16, 2012.

  1. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    How bad would it be to put the kole, scopas, and coral beauty in with a koran angel? I see they are already in with a yellow and sailfin tang so they should be fine. Just worried about how my angel would react to the smaller one.
  2. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    THere would not be much problem with the tangs for sure. I am sure coral beauty would be fine too since it is a different genius.
  3. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    I have a 135 now but moving to a 210 so they'd have room as well. Put them on hold for me and I'll give 100% answer on Monday for those 3 fish.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    PM me as well please /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif Im interested in some frags
  5. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I think I PMed everyone.
    For people who are asking about anthias, they are Randall's Anthias.
    I will definately get these for my next setup, as they have been very hardy and they are always out and about.
    Couple of things that are sold/on hold for sure that is one of a kind;
    I am not mentioning frag holds, and small colonies that others requested.
    It is going to be first come first serve type of deal, except for the one of kind items I am holding.
    I just realized, I also have pink lamonade, and hawkins echinata, and another wild colony of achinata.
    All Clown fish are sold.
    Electric Green Carpet Anemone is on hold.
    Ritteri is on hold.
    4 people are interested in Purple Monster colony.(#1 Doubledn, #2 OceansWonders, #3,#4 Other Buyers from other forums)
  6. beckerj3 Expert Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    West Des Moines, IA
    +615 / 2 / -0
    Hi Cagri - could you PM me your address?  I plan to come over on Saturday.  I don't think I need your address (as I remember your location well), but just in case I have a lapse.  Do you still have a SPS that is yellow???  That's one of the things I remember.  If so, I'd like a frag of it.
  7. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Hi there,

    I think you are talking about Scroll coral, yes I have some, not a big piece but I will give you some of that, or all of it if you like. I will PM the address.

  8. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I took pictures of the tank but it turns out my card reader is broken, so I could not upload, but I have taken pictures, so you will see it before it is taken down.

    So I just discovered couple of other things I have
    I have scroll coral($10 a frag or, $40 for the whole thing),
    yellow porites ($10 a frag) or $40 for whole colony.
    Green digitata ($10 a frag)
    Large purplish echinophylia (7 inches across) $100 for the whole thing or $15 per frag.
    Very Large ORA Supernatural Capricornis(12 inches or more across) $100 for the colony, or $15 per frag.
    I am sure there is more....


  9. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Below items are sold
    War coralPurple monsterHawkins echinata
    Pink lemonadeTongue coral1 Antihas Powder brown tangGreen echinataCrocea clam2 pairs of clownfish
    On hold2 AntihasGreen carpet
    There are other itmes on hold but I have plenty more of those still so I am not listing those.
    Thanks for the interest.
  10. doug6644

    doug6644 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Anyone from the QC heading over that direction? I may be interested in a few items if there is a party going over.
  11. beckerj3 Expert Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    West Des Moines, IA
    +615 / 2 / -0
    How many anthias do you have?  Are they all on hold?  If not, I'd be interested.
    As for the yellow coral - the one I'm thinking of is a branching coral - so would that be the porites???  No matter, I'm planning on coming over at 2pm today.
  12. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    If anyone from the CR / IC area wants anything and cant make it over I am willing to drive over and grab it for you as I want some of the fish for sale. Send me a message and we can work out the details
  13. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    @cagri - will you take payment via paypal so I can lock in the kole tang, coral beauty, and scopas tang? will be over to pick them up tuesday or wednesday depending upon wifes work schedule.
  14. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    All Antihas are spoken for.
    Yes I have some polities I think that is what you want, it is branching.

    Thyraven I will pm you my PayPal, you can send the payment and I will hold the fish for you, unfortunately fish wonT be available for another couple of weeks, so please do not make a long trip to get fish.
  15. BHarris4994


    +0 / 0 / -0
    i would like some live rock if you have any left
  16. big gene

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am interested in the Rittier and I have a few questions.
    1) how big of a tank do you suggest for this Rittier?
    2)how wide and tall is it?
    3) what are you feeding it?
    4) do you have any pictures of it?
  17. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Below items are sold
    War coral
    Purple monster
    Hawkins echinata
    Pink lemonade
    Tongue coral
    3 Antihas
    Powder brown tang
    Green echinata
    Crocea clam
    2 pairs of clownfish
    Green carpet
    Ritteri (%90 sold)
    Orange Blue damsel
    On Hold (pending payment)
    kole tang(ThyRaven)
    coral beauty(ThyRaven)
    scopas tang(ThyRaven)
    What is still available
    Some blue tort
    Lots of Green Slimer(Huge colonies)
    Wild Whitish Echinata Colony or Frags
    Teal Stag
    Blue Tip Stag
    Large Squamosa Clam
    Large derasa Clam
    Scroll Coral
    Yelow Porities
    Green Digitata
    ORA Blue Echinophylia
    ORA Supernatural Cap
    Emerald Green XL polyp Zoos (big colony $60)
    Large Purple Tang
    Yellow Tang(torn fins) - $15
    Large Sailfin
    Live Rock $2 a pound.

    Here is my schedule until 6/15, you can PM me for a time within below time slots.
    Saturday After 2:00pm
    Sunday After 2:00pm 
    Tuesday After 6:30pm
    Thursday After 6:30pm
    Friday After 6:30pm
    Thank you.
  18. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Below items are sold
    War coral
    Purple monster
    Hawkins echinata
    Pink lemonade
    Tongue coral
    3 Antihas
    Powder brown tang
    Green echinata
    Crocea clam
    2 pairs of clownfish
    Green carpet
    Ritteri (%90 sold)
    Orange Blue damsel
    Blue Tort
    Derasa Clam
    Large Purple Tang
    Yellow Tang
    On Hold (pending payment)
    kole tang(ThyRaven)
    coral beauty(ThyRaven)
    scopas tang(ThyRaven)

    Still Available

    Lots of Green Slimer(Huge colonies)
    Wild Whitish Echinata Colony or Frags
    Teal Stag
    Blue Tip Stag
    Large Squamosa Clam
    Scroll Coral
    Yelow Porities
    Green Digitata
    Orange Digitata
    Purple Digitata
    Monti Spongades(very cool coral)
    ORA Blue Echinophylia
    ORA Supernatural Cap
    FrogSpawn (only whitish colored ones left $5 head)
    Emerald Green XL polyp Zoos (big colony $60)
    Large Sailfin
    Live Rock $2 a pound.
    Here is my schedule until 6/15, you can PM me for a time within below time slots.
    Saturday After 2:00pm
    Sunday After 2:00pm
    Tuesday After 6:30pm
    Thursday After 6:30pm
    Friday After 6:30pm
    Thank you.
  19. cagri

    cagri Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Below items are sold
    War coral
    Purple monster
    Hawkins echinata
    Pink lemonade
    Tongue coral
    3 Antihas
    Powder brown tang
    Green echinata
    Crocea clam
    2 pairs of clownfish
    Green carpet
    Ritteri (%90 sold)
    Orange Blue damsel
    Blue Tort
    Derasa Clam
    Large Purple Tang
    Yellow Tang
    kole tang
    coral beauty
    scopas tang
    Still Available
    Lots of Green Slimer(Huge colonies)
    Wild Whitish Echinata Colony or Frags
    Teal Stag
    Blue Tip Stag
    Large Squamosa Clam(on hold, pending)
    Scroll Coral
    Yelow Porities
    Green Digitata
    Orange Digitata
    Purple Digitata
    Monti Spongades
    ORA Blue Echinophylia
    ORA Supernatural Cap
    FrogSpawn (only whitish colored ones left $5 head)
    Emerald Green XL polyp Zoos (big colony $60)
    Large Sailfin
    Live Rock $2 a pound.
    Here is my schedule until 6/15, you can PM me for a time within below time slots.
    Saturday After 2:00pm
    Sunday After 2:00pm
    Tuesday After 6:30pm
    Thursday After 6:30pm
    Friday After 6:30pm
    Thank you.
  20. bladerunner Well-Known ReefKeeper

    des moines
    +9 / 1 / -0
    Prices of corals?

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