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Semi picasso clown fish fs

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Crystal formerly swcrys, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    [​IMG]I will post pics shortly when I'm at my computer and not on my phone. But i have a semi picasso I'm looking to sell. I have had her for nearly a year. I'm not sure how old she was when I purchased her. But she isn't very big so I'm guessing she is younger. I'm looking to sadly sell her because she is some what aggressive towards any other clowns I try to put in with her. I'm assuming it's a she due to the aggressiveness and the fact the she hosts my feather duster alot. I've never seen eggs but she love my duster. I currently have her in a 29 bio cube. I'm wondering if she went to a bigger tank she would be better with other clowns. But i have no idea. It's hard for me to part with her cause I really like her but I really want to have a two clowns. I'm not sure what a fair price is but I believe we paid about 70 for her nearly a year ago so I'm going to ask 70 as well. Like I said I will post pics soon.
  2. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    Are the clowns you're trying to put in there significantly smaller, or similar size?
  3. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    When I got her I actually had gotten a reg clowns of the the same size. They did ok together for a little bit. Maybe 3 months. Then it disappeared. I then got a miss bar and she chased it all over the tank. Even found it in my back chambers once. It then died. It was about the same size. I then got another misbar and same deal the most bar was a little smaller the second time. She is not aggressive towards any other fish at all.
  4. Crystal formerly swcrys

    Crystal formerly swcrys Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Sorry pic is a little blurry. She likes the attention when I get up close.

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