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Spring Fest is over

Discussion in '2011' started by kyle, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    he decided to save that for macna
  2. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    Oh and they decide. I guess we could say "we don't like that" but that hasn't happened to my knowledge. It would be hard for us to dictate to them what they will speak about . Sanjay did give us a choice and then he sort of made the decision. If we would have pushed for lighting he would have done it, but I think we did it the right way.
  3. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah Janette,
    I agree that I should have done some of the emcee activities, but I really didn't want to step on toes after to many of the others had put so much hard work into things.  I wanted them to get some time to show themselves as integral members of the BOD.  You and Jeremy provided some great feedback on this and I'm making sure that we add this as a responsibility for the club president at future events.
  4. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    I agree 100% that we need an emcee for events.   I think it really helps keep people aware of what's going on and it helps keep the excitement level up there.
    I don't necessarily agree that it should be the president by default.   If the president wants to do it, that's awesome, but it should be someone who enjoys it and can get/keep people's attention.
    I know that I'd never be conformable doing it, but I bet there are people in this club that would be awesome at it...
  5. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I'd just like to say that I apologize if it seemed like I was in any way not interested in the success of this club. I know I may be away for a few days at a time but I am a double major college student who also holds a 30hour a week job working evening emergency shifts. There is only so much I can do. I try my best helping out where I can and I really try to be on here at least an hour every night catching up on the BOD discussions and news. Yes, I did come an hour late to the show. I had thought it would be a good opportunity to show my mom and sister what GIRS is all about and show them what kind of events we like to hold. Many times I asked people if there was anything I could do to help or if they wanted me to run and get anything. I greatly appreciate all that everyone did for running the show. You all did an amazing job!
  6. fishyness

    fishyness Inactive User

    +5 / 0 / -0

    You have nothing to apologize for Kylie. Im seeing the main gist of this thread defending our BOD, which is great. Like JB said, they get alot of critcism,  and the last BOD election, you sure didn't see alot of candidates willling to take the position...... 
  7. beckerj3 Expert Reefkeeper Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member

    West Des Moines, IA
    +615 / 2 / -0
    AJ - I don't think you should beat yourself up over this though.  Having been a project manager for the last 10 years of my career, I know how easy it is to forget or omit something!!!!
    Also, having said that (about the president doing a little 'thank you' at the end), I also have to admit that I wasn't necessarily paying too close attention at the start of the raffle.  By that I mean that 'thank you's' might have been said, and I just missed them.  And if thats the case, I'm sure that I wasn't alone!!!  I also agree with JB, that if the club President really didn't want to do it, it could be someone else.  The nice thing though about having the president doing it (or someone that didn't work the show), is that they can thank everyone that worked hard on it.  And (even if I or some folks don't listen well enough), the public thank you is greatly appreciated by the folks that put in all the work.
  8. ninjazx777 Experienced Reefkeeper

    Des Moines, IA
    +7 / 1 / -0
    I thought the show was great. the only complaint I have is I think the reffle was riged we we didn't fallow the only red heads can win rule LOL
  9. Bud Loves Bacon Website Team Board of Directors Leadership Team GIRS Member Vendor

    West Des Moines, IA
    +1,818 / 14 / -0
    I was only able to show up for the last hour, got my tickets in just in time for the raffle to start. Second spring fest, unfortunately I'm O-fer in both raffles. I suck at winning the powerball also. I know I wouldn't have the time to put all that together, so kudos to everyone who helped out!
  10. Rutherford

    Rutherford Inactive User

    +2 / 0 / -0
    Alot of people have probably not committed time for Manca because it's still 6 months away. I will likely commit some of my time to help making the event a success however I do not want to make a commitment I will be unable to fill due to other potentially unforseen obligations that might occur with work and family. I will likely commit some of my time somewhere with in the three months of the event. 
    I think the show was a success IMHO. This is also the first show I've been too. I thought the prices were fair and the selection was awesome. As far as the BoD being involved I cannot comment cause I do not know the in's and outs of the club politics yet. However the BoD should have an active hand in all club affiliated events on the basis if anything goes wrong they are likely to take the blame regardless of the situation. I envy no elected position as I know all too well the scrutiny that takes place once you are in charge of making decisions on behalf of other individuals.
    Thanks to All who helped put on the show I look forward to being at the next frag fest. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif 
  11. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    [​IMG]I think this Fest went very well from my perspective. [​IMG] Everyone who expresses an opinion, whether we agree or disagree, should be listened to "with an open mind".  Joe, Gered and others worked very hard and I appreciate it immensely[​IMG]  Adam, Christina, Steph, and several others contributed their energy, time and talents (not to mention their money for transportation/lodging/food...).  Craig picked up Sanjay, Gered/Joe bought coffee for vendors...did you know that?  Most likely not and that shows how others are involved but we don't always know it.  As we know, BoD's and members who contribute are volunteers and should be respected for their involvement, no matter how much or little.  (Of course BoD's make a commitment to serve and for most, do their best to fulfill that obligation.)  I didn't see a posting before the event for people to sign up to help (maybe there was, maybe not) but I didn't wait for that.  I sent out a couple pm's about volunteering before and during the event...others did or could have done the same. 
    Everyone is busy, some over-extended, and that allows for oversights to happen before, during and even after an event.  As long as those oversights are recognized and corrected in the future, that's all we should expect.  I think it's perfectly fine (and can be encouraged) for any member to be a seller...board members included.  Also, I think it's okay for members to contact vendors/sellers before an event to ask them to bring specific corals and other goods so they can be purchased.  I know some vendors/sellers asked the buyer to (pre)pay for the coral/item or right away(or it would be sold...or, so they could use the proceeds for buying at the Fest).  Last, I think it is okay for members who help with setup and/or during the event to chat/browse/shop with vendors/sellers before the doors open as long as things are done/ready for the masses.  How else are the volunteers able to do these things when so few people volunteer?  A couple examples of how volunteers do 'miss out' on things are; those who help during the event do not attend the speakers' presentations(cannot ask questions, etc) nor do they get in on the final minutes of vendors/sellers specials (buy 2, get 1 free, etc...).   If one thinks they are missing something because volunteers are seen at vendors/sellers tables before the doors open, then volunteer and find out firsthand.  If you think that coral or product you (may) want may be sold before you get there, ask the vendor/seller to bring it/reserve it for you but be prepared to pay full price.  Since one can only be at one place at one time, just think of what all will be missed [​IMG]
    I thank everyone for their participation because if it weren't for that, there would be no events!
  12. Corallimorph

    Corallimorph Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    As a new GIRS member, i was impressed with the trade show. In my work life I host and set up trade shows with very well paid professionals in the automotive industry. So coming into something that is volunteer run and led it was well done. Since it is a fairly small close knit group of people I think name badges would have been great. Over all I truly enjoyed the event and so did my wife (thankfully /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif haha) I am looking forward to getting more involved and helping out at MACNA this fall! Great job guys and Gals!~Russ
  13. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Just to keep everyone up to date, the board is discussing a lot of these issues right now. The few things that didn't go/work great this time around didn't go unnoticed and I think we'll have some great solutions in place for next time.

    There's even a nasty rumor going around that their just might be a Fall Fest this year after alll (despite MACNA).

    I've gotta say that I'm thrilled to see a thread like this where people give great input about the pro's and con's of the event. That really does help the board gauge where we're at and where we need to be. It's also great to start to see some initial excitement about MACNA from our members... I'm not sure that' it's sunk in to everyone yet how great it's going to be to have it happen right here in our state. Great for us individually as hobbyists and potentially great for the club from a financial standpoint.

    Now if we could just get every person who walked through the door saturday active on the site, I would be in webmaster nirvana, but alas, I know that will never happen. One can dream right?

    Thanks everyone!

  14. Bryan-1

    Bryan-1 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    I have to say this was my first frag fest, I was there the whole time.
    Yes I do know it takes a lot to setup these shows and take these down, and any and all volunteers are appreciated. THANK to all who did that !
    I had a good time spent money with several of them. (9)
    Talked with several people, sellers / vendors and some buying they were all nice to talk with.
    Got some good deals I felt. Me and my daughter made several trips around looking at what people had and picking out what we likes the most and for the best price.
    I Like the way you raffle things off only can get what you want. I have won things before that I did not want and just gave them back to reuse.
    I listened to some of each speaker they are all educational.
    not letting everyone in before 12noon for the swap I mean fest (it was cold even if out there for less than 5 minutes like we were)

    The signage or lack of what I could find. I saw 1 sign when I turned in to the fair grounds on a post 8' up in the air. (I think it said Coral Frags do not remember a arrow on it) There was a cop looking car there so I asked directions. I was told to go straight and turn left at the one way sign . (could not see any sign because of the cars coming out the wrong way on that street) so when we couldn't go straight we turned left then we parked along the fence and walked back.
    I know there was a lot going on there but we only saw that ONE sign before being right in front of the building.
    Walking in the door with the first 12 people at the most in front of me and seeing 20 to 30 people already standing out in front of different sellers / vendors buying stuff.
    yes I do understand how these work as I have attend and SOLD items as a seller at what I would call a swap. (all have been fresh water swaps but same idea)
    some have been far less organized than yours.
    BUT I never like seeing people being in there the moment that it starts already.
    The selling floor should be empty with the sellers / vendors being in there place 5 minutes before you start letting in the guests.
    I am all for the volunteers and sellers doing all the deals they want to do before the doors open I have been ONE of those people and yes it is a plus.
    but to have the floor cleared before you let in people looks so much more professional. (My View)


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