After looking back at some old pics of my tank I realized I really miss my Florida Ricordia collection. If anyone has some and plan on selling them at Spring fest let me know. Looking for all different colors!!!
Im looking for the following ... ORA Purple Pillow Becker Tort If you have any of these two corals, please let me know. Im also looking for a bit of Cheato.
I'm looking for: Frosted Strawberry Milli(Unique Corals) or Rose Mill(ORA) Red Planet(ORA) Peach Digitata (ORA) Aussie Blastomussa Wellsi (bright red & green or orange rainbow-ECC image 69) Acans Lords (Quality Marine): Hazards Everlasting Gobstopper Candy Apple Watermellon Pink Panties Chalice Zoas: Eye of Jupiter (Aquacon/Aquatic Connection) Japanese Fruit Loop (Aquacon) Simply Salmon (Aquacon) Armor of God (LEC) If you have any of the above, please pm me with price and size. Thanks!