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Starting a GIRS mentoring program. Need feedback

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dead fish, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Hey all,

    So at yesterday's IC/CR holiday hootenanny we discussed starting a GIRS mentoring program where folks new to the hobby, or even just new to a particular aspect of the hobby, could go to have someone they could reach out to on a regular basis for advice and guidance. It can be pretty daunting if you're new to the hobby and want to get started. I volunteered to help get it off the ground and I guess this is the first step.

    We had talked about piloting it in the IC/CR region just to see how it goers, but if there's a lot of demand, maybe we could go wider.

    Here are a few things I can think of we'll need to get started:

    1. Who wants to participate as a mentor?

    2. What skills do you feel like you could mentor? (DIY, Tech, fish keeping, coral prop and fragging, etc.)

    3. Where are you located?

    4. Size and makeup of your tank(s)?

    5. How would you describe your philosophy as an aquarist? (

    A. Only the best will do

    B. More than one way to skin a cat

    C. Do it yourself or don't do it at all

    D. Penny wise and pound wise.

    What else am I forgetting?

    Once I get this going, I'll need to hook up with JB to hopefully get a place on the site for all this.

    Let me know what you think.
  2. Kpotter2

    Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    1. I am in Jason!
    2. DIY and Tech
    3. IC/CR
    4. More then one way to skin a cat kind of guy!
  3. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Anyone? Bueller? So far I've got Kyle and Craig.

    You don't have to volunteer to mentor only, either. Just give me some feedback on the idea.
  4. Deleted member 1172

    Deleted member 1172 Guest

    I love the idea! It definitely would be nice for newer folks, or those like me who are still gathering bits and pieces, although I have the gist of things. Now, to get my membership paid for! /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/tongue.gif
  5. skurious


    I really like the idea of having some members known as the "goto" person for certain situations/topics.

    1.) Not sure im qualified to be any sort of mentor
    2.)I have a general knowledge of most topics
    3.) Cedar Rapids
    4.) 40 breeder, reef
    5.)More than one way to skin a cat
  6. Chris C.

    Chris C. Experienced Reefkeeper

    I think this is a great idea. The better we can do as a club at making this hobby a success for newbies, the better chance we all have at being successful.

    1. I think I am in...
    2. Qualified as a fish keeping, coral prop reef fragging.
    3. DSM
    4. Central Campus tanks+ 90 at home and 14G Nano at parents.
    5. I am a simplistic reef keeper. (More than one ay to skin a cat)
  7. Nik

    Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    This sounds good.

    1. I am in
    2 Fish keeping plumbing setup
    3 Des Moines
    4 135 mixed reef, 75 frag tank (in process) 9 gal getting ready for pipe fish
    5 More than one way to skin a cat
  8. Kpotter2

    Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    This is a project that a few of us talked about a while back driving to and from ACC last year. I think this program will be a great way to help new and old members in addition to the new site futures. I can't wait to see how Jason(Dead fish) puts this all together. With support of all of us of course. I think it came up in a few of our local meetings last year too.

    I'd like to see at least 2 to 3 in each region for sure, but more then that would be super fantastic. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif

  9. Ray


    [list type=decimal]
    [*]I am in
    [*]I am still learning, would let people look at what I have, and could help with plumbing and stand building ideas. I have found sometimes it helps just to have someone to pass ideas by.
    [*]NE Cedar Rapids
    [*]38 and 125 gallon reefs
    [*]More than one way to skin a cat
    [/list type=decimal]
  10. Fence13

    Fence13 Experienced Reefkeeper

    This would be great.....hopefully it makes it to the DSM area. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  11. slovan

    slovan Experienced Reefkeeper

    Great idea! Should this initiative have support from the board and someone designated to keep track of who is available and their areas of expertise? I think it should be membership wide instead of regionally unless someone needs to be shown physically or need help in their home. The more people they can choose from will only help them out more. Not every mentor is going to have all the answers or able to give the best answer.
  12. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    I volunteered to head this up. Don't know if the board would want it to be an official position but I'm happy to do it. I thought it might be good to pilot it on one area but if there are folks who want to be involved statewide there's no reason not to go statewide.
  13. Kpotter2

    Kpotter2 Expert Reefkeeper

    Yes we are piloting it in our IC/CR region. If others jump on board great. If not that's OK too.
    Jason thanks again for stepping up for this project. We already have forum support for all, but local in home support is our goal. . Someone willing when time lends its self to them to help in home or on phone locally in your area.

    Posted via Mobile phone so hope this reads right. Lol
  14. Chris C.

    Chris C. Experienced Reefkeeper

    I know that there are a couple of DSM people on board already!

    Just keep us informed.
  15. dead fish

    dead fish Dead Fish

    Will do.

    Anyone else want to be involved?
  16. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    Andy Long:

    Especializaciones: marine nutrition science, everything sps (fragging, lighting, placement, flow, nutrient control etc).

    SE Iowa City

    Email junkie: andyclnic@yahoo.com

    200 gallon system sps dominated (over 50 sps color/morph variants), 120 main, 30 frag tank, 40br softie annex.

    Philosophy: there's a lot to be said for the dynamics of natural processes (highly technical)

  17. blackx-runner

    blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    I'd be interested.
    Jack of all trades, master of none.
    NE cedar Rapids
    250 gallon deep dimension
    slow and steady wins the race
  18. ThyRaven

    ThyRaven Well-Known ReefKeeper

    1. I'm In!
    2. Electrical Wiring, Plumbing, and Hauling. I could be a fish keeper, haven't had the lighting for coral but getting there.
    3. Hiawatha, IA
    4. 135 Gallon FOWLR soon to be a reef
    5. More than one way to skin a cat. Slow and Steady. If I can DIY and save $ and make it better for me, why not?

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