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Stuff for sale

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Schoeny, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Alright, I figured I'd restart this thread to keep it cleaner and more legible. I found a buyer for the tank/stand/sump who is supposed to be coming tonight to pick up, and assuming that deal does not fall through, I'm going back around with the equipment that was offered up.
    I am sending PMs to all that expresed interest to re-confirm their intentions, and will update accordingly when I hear back from them.
    For those of you who comitted to the stuff if I broke it up, it is still yours if you want it in order of first come first serve, obviously you are not obligated. I have the items listed below, as well as who is in line for them should they still want it. If the item is bolded, someone has dibs on it if they should still want it unless I hear otherwise in their PM.
    Skimmer - This skimmer is an AquaC EV-120 clone, with a Mag12 pump. Works, no problems. $75 (1st reefer_bud, 2nd IrishStock)
    Mag 9.5 - $50. Just bought this from AJ. It does have a crack that was repaired. Works fine.  (1st reefer_bud, 2nd sblomgren)

    BuckeyeFieldSupply 3-Stage RO/DI unit (BFS-156) - $75 - has been used to make about 100 gallons. Bought new a few months ago. Comes with plenty of 1/4" tubing  (Nik)
    200W heater - $10 (HippieGolfWear)

    Koralia K3 - Also have miscellaneous K3 parts (cover and magnet) from a broken K3.  - $20  (1st reefer_bud, 2nd HippieGolfWear)

    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $20 (reefer_bud)
    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $10 (works but is noisy because of a broken ceramic shaft) AJ helped me get a replacement that cost $3 shipped, but I broke it too. Coralvue sent a new impellar and Titanium shaft, have not installed them...  (reefer_bud)

    Base Rock - Man made, between 2 and 3 rubber totes full. Bought it from JohnL, I think it's been makig the rounds in the club. Tested the pH and this rock is ready to go in a tank. $20
    Sand - not live, has been cleaned, was in my tank wet, but thre was nothing alive in there, now is back in buckets. there is about 1.5-2 5 gallon buckets of it $15
    Rock and Sand can go as a package for $30
    Instant Ocean Salt Mix - about 40% of the bucket left of a 160 gallon bucket. - $15
    Miscellaneous Stuff - $5 for all
    30" single tube flourescent light - Came with the 29 Gal.
    Plastic hydrometer
    glass temperature/salinity floater
  2. phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If its the Bud from the Cedar Rapids area, and he'd be willing to pick up the sand/rock for me, I'd like the sand/rock /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  3. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Skimmer - This skimmer is an AquaC EV-120 clone, with a Mag12 pump. Works, no problems. $75 (reefer_bud)
    Mag 9.5 - $50. Just bought this from AJ. It does have a crack that was repaired. Works fine.  (1st reefer_bud, 2nd sblomgren, 3rd xmasia)

    BuckeyeFieldSupply 3-Stage RO/DI unit (BFS-156) - $75 - has been used to make about 100 gallons. Bought new a few months ago. Comes with plenty of 1/4" tubing  (Nik)
    200W heater - $10 (HippieGolfWear)

    Koralia K3 - Also have miscellaneous K3 parts (cover and magnet) from a broken K3.  - $20  (1st reefer_bud, 2nd HippieGolfWear)

    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $20 (reefer_bud)
    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $10 (works but is noisy because of a broken ceramic shaft) AJ helped me get a replacement that cost $3 shipped, but I broke it too. Coralvue sent a new impellar and Titanium shaft, have not installed them...  (reefer_bud)

    Base Rock - Man made, between 2 and 3 rubber totes full. Bought it from JohnL, I think it's been makig the rounds in the club. Tested the pH and this rock is ready to go in a tank. $20 (Nik)
    Sand - not live, has been cleaned, was in my tank wet, but thre was nothing alive in there, now is back in buckets. there is about 1.5-2 5 gallon buckets of it $15
    Rock and Sand can go as a package for $30 (this takes precedence over each on their own) (phishcrazee [if Bud can pick up])

    Instant Ocean Salt Mix - about 40% of the bucket left of a 160 gallon bucket. - $15 (justcuz)

    Miscellaneous Stuff - $5 for all
    30" single tube flourescent light - Came with the 29 Gal.
    Plastic hydrometer
    glass temperature/salinity floater
    Alright, I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple people. I will give them until noon tomorrow to decide, then I'll move to the next person in line and I'll get this stuff moved. All of the waiting lists are in order of first come, first serve, I'm not playing favorites to anyone.
    The tank did sell last night, so this stuff is ready to be unloaded.
    I would prefer not to ship anything, but if I have to, I have to. Obviously the rock/sand must be picked up, same with the salt.
  4. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    I can come get the ro unit and whatever else Friday.
  5. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I forgot to add, for anybody coming to pick things up this weekend, here's my avaliability. I am coaching a basketball team in a tournament, so I'm gone Friday, and the times on Saturday are hard and fast. Whe it says 10:00, that means I'm in the car leaving at 10:01 even if you are a couple blocks down the road on your way. Hate to be a stickler, just wanted to be clear about the time frames. Sunday works best because we have no games, so I can be there whenever.

    I live in WDM, about a milewest of the DM country Club off of University for reference.

    Friday - Unavaliable
    Saturday - 7:30-10:00 AM, 2:30-5:00 PM
    Sunday - All day given some notice
  6. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If reefer_bud doesn't claim the skimmer I probably will. Could you please send me a picture? Thanks
  7. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Schoeny on 11/11/2010 08:37 AM

    Skimmer - This skimmer is an AquaC EV-120 clone, with a Mag12 pump. Works, no problems. $75
    Mag 9.5 - $50. Just bought this from AJ. It does have a crack that was repaired. Works fine. 
    BuckeyeFieldSupply 3-Stage RO/DI unit (BFS-156) - $75 - has been used to make about 100 gallons. Bought new a few months ago. Comes with plenty of 1/4" tubing  (Nik)
    200W heater - $10 (HippieGolfWear)

    Koralia K3 - Also have miscellaneous K3 parts (cover and magnet) from a broken K3.  - $20 

    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $20 
    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $10 (works but is noisy because of a broken ceramic shaft) AJ helped me get a replacement that cost $3 shipped, but I broke it too. Coralvue sent a new impellar and Titanium shaft, have not installed them...  

    Base Rock - Man made, between 2 and 3 rubber totes full. Bought it from JohnL, I think it's been makig the rounds in the club. Tested the pH and this rock is ready to go in a tank. $20 (Nik)
    Sand - not live, has been cleaned, was in my tank wet, but thre was nothing alive in there, now is back in buckets. there is about 1.5-2 5 gallon buckets of it $15
    Rock and Sand can go as a package for $30 (this takes precedence over each on their own)

    Instant Ocean Salt Mix - about 40% of the bucket left of a 160 gallon bucket. - $15 (justcuz)

    Miscellaneous Stuff - $5 for all
    30" single tube flourescent light - Came with the 29 Gal.
    Plastic hydrometer
    glass temperature/salinity floater
    OK, I did get PMs back, and we are ready to start moving stuff, I have sent out the first wave of PMs about picking this up this weekend.
    Items that are red are now SOLD pending payments/pickup this weekend. Bolded items are still spoken for at the time being, but I haven't set up a time for pickup with those people.
    Phishcrazee, Bud is getting his stuff shipped, so unless you can make it to DM sometime, I'm going to explore other avenues for selling the rock/sand.
  8. phishcrazee Experienced Reefkeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Ok, well if anyone from the Cedar Rapids area is going out to get stuff, I'd love the sand (mainly interested in the sand)! Could meet you in cedar rapids and would gladly exchange a frag or two or some gas money /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif
  9. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Schoeny on 11/12/2010 10:31 AM

    Posted By Schoeny on 11/11/2010 08:37 AM

    Skimmer - This skimmer is an AquaC EV-120 clone, with a Mag12 pump. Works, no problems. $75
    Mag 9.5 - SOLD
    BuckeyeFieldSupply 3-Stage RO/DI unit (BFS-156) - $75 - has been used to make about 100 gallons. Bought new a few months ago. Comes with plenty of 1/4" tubing 
    200W heater - $10
    Koralia K3 - Also have miscellaneous K3 parts (cover and magnet) from a broken K3.  - $20 
    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $20 
    Coralvue High Seas 1500 gph PH - $10 (works but is noisy because of a broken ceramic shaft) AJ helped me get a replacement that cost $3 shipped, but I broke it too. Coralvue sent a new impellar and Titanium shaft, have not installed them...  
    Base Rock - Man made, between 2 and 3 rubber totes full. Bought it from JohnL, I think it's been makig the rounds in the club. Tested the pH and this rock is ready to go in a tank. $20
    Sand - not live, has been cleaned, was in my tank wet, but thre was nothing alive in there, now is back in buckets. there is about 1.5-2 5 gallon buckets of it $15
    Rock and Sand can go as a package for $30 (this takes precedence over each on their own)
    Instant Ocean Salt Mix - about 40% of the bucket left of a 160 gallon bucket. - $15
    Miscellaneous Stuff - $5 for all
    30" single tube flourescent light - Came with the 29 Gal.
    Plastic hydrometer
    glass temperature/salinity floaterEverything not in red in this post is avaliable on a first come first serve basis (including PP). I have had one person who spoke up for stuff actually show up. If you are still interested, shoot me a PM and re-confirm.
    I'll be avaliable this week on Sunday after 10 AM, and during the morning/early afternoon on Saturday for pickup.
  10. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Is the koralia still available
  11. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yep. I'll be around all day Sunday or tonight if you want to stop by. Shoot me a PM with your email and I'll get you directions.
  12. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    For some odd reason I cannot pm you lol but my email is armydogracing21@gmail.com or you can call me at 5152570589
  13. shepone24


    +1 / 0 / -0
    I am in Clive and would take the rock, provided other arrangements have not been made.
  14. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    PM Sent.

    K3 is sold.

    Everything else is still available except for the MAG 9.5
  15. shepone24


    +1 / 0 / -0
    PM sent
  16. Armydog

    Armydog Expert Reefkeeper

    +738 / 8 / -0
    Ill take the salt and the sand
  17. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Shepone24, I didn't get your PM. My email is schoeny10@gmail.com, try me there.

    Army, I'm going to be home tonight if you want to stop by. I can be avaliable between 3:30 and 8:00 given some notice. Just let me know when you are thinking, or if another night works better.
  18. Schoeny

    Schoeny Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Rock is gone.

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