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Sudden PH jump

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by NeonBender, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. NeonBender


    +4 / 0 / -0
    Hello everyone.  I've been searching the net for a little while, and I don't feel like I've got a good answer to my worries.  I've got a bio-cube 8 with a real small black percula clown, a turbo snail, another snail (can't remember name) and a new chunk of live rock in.  The tank is about 6 months established, but I found a really good looking piece of live rock at my pet shop, so I pulled a couple smaller pieces out, and put this new one in.  I've been testing every other day, and so far haven't had much issue with nitrite or nitrate, however today my PH went up.  It went from a little over 8 to about 8.5 in a couple days.  My fish seems fine, as does all the inhabitants of the tank.  Should I worry?  I did about a 1.5 gallon water change today, from some water I prepared when I got the rock, (sitting in a bucket with a powerhead/heater).  When should I start trying to actively lower the PH?  I don't know if I'm freaking out over nothing, and more so, I don't understand why the PH should rise. 
  2. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    When did you test? Its common for Ph to drop during the times the lights are off and rise during the times there on as the water column is more active during the lighting phase
  3. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    8.5 is high but not killer high. Something else to think about is as the weather gets nicer we open our windows and correct if iam wrong someone will also raise your ph some. But as Glaspie said your PH will always be higher when lights are on
  4. NeonBender


    +4 / 0 / -0
    I'm pretty sure that I've been testing around the same time each day, after I get home from work, certainly while the lights are still on.  I was planning on doing another ~1.5 gallon change tomorrow, and test again.  If I'm still around 8.5, should I just not be too concerned?  Also, we've aired out the house a little, but no full windows open airing yet. 
  5. jtesdall

    jtesdall Expert Reefkeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    When you open your windows you let in more fresh air and remove carbon dioxide. CO2 mixes with our water and creates carbonic acid therefore reducing pH.
    8.0 to 8.5 in a few days is not a good thing if that is actually what happened. It doesn't sound like you are keeping any coral which is where the real problem would be. If your fish are not acting stressed and are still eating fine then you should be OK.
    Are you dosing anything? Same test kits?
    From what I have heard from you so far I wouldn't stress over it too much unless the inhabitants start telling you something is wrong.
  6. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    I agree with almost everything that's been said thus far. The nano's will have greater fluctuations with water params just due to the fact of the small size. The snails are more sensitive to the water chemistry so keep an eye on them. I wouldn't let it get much higher than 8.5. Are you dosing anything? How often are you doing WC's? Where is your dkH/alk at? Have you changed salt or anything else?
  7. NeonBender


    +4 / 0 / -0
    I don't really dose anything.  I have some Kent Marine "Nano Reef" part A & B, which I used for a while, but it seemed to add to my algae issues.  I do water changes of about 3 gallons about once every 2.5 weeks.  I just re-tested and my PH is back to normal, ~8.2ish.  My test kit just ran out, which was a Jungle Quick Dip 5-1 strip test, and I have an API PH test (strips) which confirmed the PH change.  I just got some 5-1 API test strips today to replace the jungle ones.  My KH is between 120 and 180.  Everyone still seems to be doing great.
    Thanks for the help,Michael

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