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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chappy1, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    fish keeping 101, if it can fit in its mouth.....it will probably end up there
  2. kyro

    kyro Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Its a TV show....meaning 99% is cut out. These guys own and operate a multimillion dollar business based on fish. Im sure they know what they are doing otherwise they wouldnt have so many clients. I do custom tanks and setups for ppl in the area and sometimes have to deal with the same things, If the client wants fish that wont work together such as your lionfish and clownfish you tell them the risks. Sometimes people dont want to listen or dont care so you do what the CLIENT wants! if you dont you wont stay in business very long. Just a fact of life and if you cant understand that fact i wouldnt suggest starting a business in the aquarium trade.
  3. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Your conclusion is non sequitur btw.
  4. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I sure don't think so. Why are you responding? Did I say you were jealous? Absolutely not, yet you quote me and wish to point out that you are neither jealous nor envious. Seems you felt the need to get defensive there even though I said nothing specifically about you.
  5. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    I have a clown with my lion. Yea so. They do fine together. As everyone has already said, IT IS A SHOW FOR ENTERTAINMENT! The guys have NO control over what airs, unless they just up and quit. The editors and producers of AP have all the creative control. PERIOD> If you guys want to direct anger some-where let AP know, not he guys at ATM. They hav been in buisness for decades and do most of the public aquariums around the country including our own Blank Park Zoo. And yes they do contribute LOTS to the hobby thru donating money, products and services. Once AGAIN are we really going to do this every year???
  6. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    its a stretch is all im saying...
  7. Nik Experienced Reefkeeper

    Windsor Heights
    +13 / 0 / -0
    Oh and a local fish store has fish in with a shark, are we going to start reaming them as well??? I hope not. There are MANY ways of doing things and NO ONE is prefect in this hobby and business. I put fish together that people say OH you can not do that. Every animal is different and yes there are trends in personalitty but you do what works for you.
  8. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I've contacted AP and Discovery Network on multiple multiple multipule occasions and through various forms of media.
    I will do this until I die or the show ends.
  9. kyro

    kyro Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I dont think you understood what I ment when I said you do what the client wants. If they want something that I know or think wont work I tell them the risks and say what I think. If they choose not to listen then that is on them, if it works they are happy if not its not my fault and hopefully they learn from it. Id say its safe to assume that most of the time they learn from it and dont attempt it again. Its a business, and successful ones know that what the customer wants they get. U do everything you can to educate if they decide not to listen there is nothing you can do. If you refused to deal with customers who didnt listen to everything you said you wouldnt have very many customers.
  10. PotRoast

    PotRoast Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +24 / 0 / -0
    I think the characters on the show are super annoying.

    There I said it.
  11. kyro

    kyro Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    have only seen the 2 episodes that were on last night but i totally agree! lol
  12. mthomp

    mthomp Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    The fact there is this much controversy about the show says in itself it is a success. Andy I am sure you are not alone in your contacting them and such but understand networks thrive on it good or bad. It means you are watching and that is really what they care about.
  13. Reeferforlyfe

    Reeferforlyfe Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Do you think the millions of viewers want to see them do sump maintenance, water changes, qt fish, drip acclimate or ect that every responsible SW tank owner would do? No, because that's not entertaining to the millions of viewers on tv. That stuff is edited out, to include only the exciting stuff. I'm sure animal planet who films this made it that way, because it gets people to watch their programming and channels. People don't become world wide known tank manufacturers and setup gurus when they do crappy Jobs, I doubt it
  14. Reeferforlyfe

    Reeferforlyfe Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
  15. Reeferforlyfe

    Reeferforlyfe Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
  16. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    If we as bonniest are.going to contact people cause were mad at shows we better get a letterhead made for pixar...nemo is going down!
  17. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    If we as hobbist are.going to contact people cause were mad at shows we better get a letterhead made for pixar...nemo is going down!
  18. Reeferforlyfe

    Reeferforlyfe Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am definitely subscribing to this thread! For once it's not me causing all the bickering LOL. Anyone got popcorn and a soda?
  19. Andy The Reef Guy

    Andy The Reef Guy Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    you crack my **** up jas! haha +1
    I'll mock one up tonight.
  20. nick

    nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0

    Agreed, you know how many want to pit nemo tank together. I'm glad the fad of that movie is over.

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