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Advice? That moment when.......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MadManMadrid, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. chromess 01

    chromess 01

    +10 / 0 / -0
    My tank did this. Wife was out and I stopped at my parents house a few minutes away. Tank was fine when I left. Phone rings at my parents and it was my wife all I heard was "water on the floor, Ill tell him". I was already out the door. Walk in the door and tank is about 1/3 empty(around 20g on the floor). I had my skimmer drain going to 2 liter and it was just gushing like a fire hydrant. Pulled the plug and tried to figure out where to start. My dad had stopped over to see what the problem might have been and when I mentioned the skimmer he said it was still plugged in. I knew I unplugged it and when I did the water stopped. But never did find out what the problem was. Didnt lose anything in the process though.
  2. Jen/Reefin Experienced Reef Keeper

    Davenport, IA
    +60 / 1 / -0
    Besides our 125 gal back blowing out , we've haven't had any other issue ...knock on wood....
    It's easy to get discouraged when things like this happen . I'm glad that you kept with it .

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