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The First Ever Complete LIVE!!!!!! Tank Feed In The World (that i have found anyways) And It Is Offe

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by jjtruemper, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. jjtruemper

    jjtruemper Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yes it is true i have developed an awesome product for feeding LPS, SPS, Soft coral, Sponge life, Clams/Oysters, Biological life, Larva etc and am offering it to you the members and friends of this Club first and i have done many searches and found nothing like what i am offering you! First of all i discovered that plankton like rotifers have a much longer life span when kept in green water in the fridge i have good numbers at 3 weeks always in the fridge those hungry rotifers come out of hibernation and in two days you have fat rotifers and a bottle of clear water! I believe due to the higher ph held in greenwater and the fact they are surrounded by there food source which they are consuming only at 1/1000 the rate at 35-42 degrees. So i started adding brine shrimp and the copepods and now the 65 million year old Ciliate and have come up with a great product to stock your refugium or feed to your coral tank every thing will live in a slow flow refugium but you have to understand these thing are bottom rung of the food chain everything eats them so Copepods are about the only thing with enough survival instinct to survive in your tank and the Copepods are the highly desirable strain Calanoid which is an extremely important part of your biological system in fact large numbers do such a good job at waste break down the nitrates are normally at 0 in my culture tanks. I will sell limited numbers of the feed mixes containing Copepods i will not wipe out a culture to make a buck! But i do have large numbers of grown Brine shrimp, Ciliate and Rotifers but again supply is limited due to capacity to culture and my cultures are small by no means but still require good numbers to keep culture going. I have found good numbers of the above mentioned phytoplankton alive in greenwater at a temp of 35-42 degrees at the three week mark! Copepods do best in slow flow refugiums they like to swim around a lot so set up a slow flow refugium its worth it! A breeder hanging in the corner (plastic)works good too they love protein and seem to do better with a source available and its the first place you will start to see them in your tank really any place where water is still and stagnet no surface movement for the build up of protein. Feeding the Copepods greenwater helps to grow the Copepods faster and makes them more nutritious for your fish and corals but they do not like sitting in greenwater so again a slow flow refugium is the best water only stays green for short time they seem to love that for some reason! $15 1gal Greenwater, Rotifers, Brine Shrimp and Ciliate! $20 1gal Greenwater, Rotifers, Brine Shrimp, Ciliate and Copepods! All mixed together ready to feed and store in fridge for up to 3 weeks shake daily and never let it reach temps above 42 degrees and never feed it after midnight JK that last part i figure if i am going to type this much i might as well through in some comedic relief. If you let me know when you are coming we can look at all the zooplankton under the microscope so you can see everything you are getting. Please Call Me If You Are Interested 319-981-4666 Thank You Jeremy
  2. Trevor0015

    Trevor0015 Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Looks like Im going to have to make the trip up to Coralville again..

  3. KirklinsClownfish Well-Known ReefKeeper

    Robins Ia
    +6 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the greenwater.....again /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/hybrid//emoticons/smile.gif

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