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threatening to kick me off

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Marc, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    and then you close the forum on a issue that needs to be discussed... cause your the president... well mr. president you need to have any open discussion bout some of this stuff... or GIRS WILL NEVER GET beyond what it is now...  what about freedom of speach... or do you have the final say in it... that doesn't sound like freedom of speech to me... you bring in that comment at the last minute bout selling commercially had nothing to do w/ what was being discussed in my sale add... it was an attempt to shut me up and you have the final say and character assasinate me!!!  if that is how you are gonna lead GIRS will remain in a rut!!!
  2. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
  3. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0

    You are wrong. Jason G. did not close that thread, I did. I closed it because it had strayed off topic and had no place in our B/S/T forum.

    I'll remind you that this website is privately owned and not a public service. We have every right to remove your posts and/or your account if want to. I think we've shown pretty good restraint considering that you continue to publicly bash both the board of directors who are donating their time and the club who's resources you continue to use for free. Furthermore, as someone who has never paid dues, you really don't "deserve" to have a say in the club vs the others who have. We have a "Club Business" forum for discussing these types of issues. All you have to do to get access to it is pay your $20 per year like everyone else.

    To be honest, I'm really at a loss as to exactly "what" this club or it's board of directors has done to you. The club or it's board was not a part of your transaction with xroads which has caused most of your problems. I've personally taken the time to talk to you on the phone when you call me rather than pm'ing me like other people would. I gave you free corals the first time you came to my house. What I've gotten in return for that is having to tolerate you bashing the club in your childish rants and having to moderate an inordinate number of the threads you're involved in. Thanks a lot.

    Last but not least, your "I'm so innocent / power to the people" act is growing old. I have a long collection of PM's and emails that have been forwarded to me that show that "wwJd" is not exactly in sync with "wwMd". If you really care about the club as you'd have us believe, then actions speak louder than words. Volunteer your time, show up to some events, do anything semi-constructive for the club rather than cause problems on our website.

    I'll believe it when I see it...


  4. glaspie69

    glaspie69 Experienced Reefkeeper

    +41 / 2 / -0
    I did bring up the comment about selling commercially, and the PM I sent you should help to clarify that.

    On a second note, I find it incredibly ironic that you keep asking if I (personally) am trying to character bash you,yet you post a huge thread bashing the hell out of me for "closing" and thread I didn't close at all. How does that work? Do as you say not as you do? All I'm doing is my job to this club. I couldn't care less who you sell to, buy from, or anything else for that matter. If you'd like to sit down and have a face to face to discuss your issues with this club I'm sure myself along with a few of the other BOD would be glad to make the time.

  5. xroads Veteran Reefkeeper Vendor

    La Porte City, IA
    +1,014 / 6 / -0
    I was keeping quiet until you decided to start bashing me again. So now I will defend myself.

    I don't remember leaving your house trashed. I do remember showing up with 2 trucks to pick up the equipment that was supposed to be ready to go only to find out it was still full of water & sand. I was handed a sawzall & pipe wrench & told there you go.

    And yes I am suing you for $950. I was promised (& it was witnessed) a skimmer with supply pump & 200 pounds of live rock. After you got my money you realized you could have gotten more & backed out of the skimmer & pump. Also the 200 lbs was 135, your reply was sorry I guessed, too bad.

    I don't care about the money, it is the principal of the matter & the way you treated me & bashed me. I have given away over $950 worth of coral & fish to club members in the last 7 years I have been a member. I don't like being lied to & played a fool.

    And I don't know of a cliche in the club. I know we have several regions so each area has its own core groups. But cliches, no! Anyone, club member or not is welcome at my house anytime. I don't care what region or cliche they belong to. I am a hard core reefer & eagerly share my passion with anyone.
  6. Bela

    Bela Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I don't know what this is about, but I seem to remember user Marc stepping on people's toes before and saying something about leaving this site already. For the record, freedom of speech has no standing in forums like these, so I am not sure what you are going on about. Right or wrong, mods do what they want LOL.
  7. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    You get what you give in this life. It always amazes me how the people that complain the loudest are generally the ones that do the least. Now if the board members had paying jobs on this site, maybe you could expect to be able to critique them and want more of them. I'm afraid you don't have a clue how many hours these board members, trustee's and people that donate their time (a valuable thing in my book) and their daily efforts and for what? To get to have people gripe and want them to do more, to do less , to do it all really! Geesh, give these hard working members and officers a break! Until you are willing to step up and take on an active role in this club, (or any other for that matter) and at the very least, support the club with the very minor yearly dues........well, enough said. I personally don't believe you have earned the right to complain or to openly voice those complaints on these forums. I'm a member and that is my opinion.
    I for one would like to commend the officers, JB in particular, for VERY often, holding this club up, entirely on their backs........and simply because they CARE and want to help the hobby. And for the record, for those that feel their are "cliques" in this club, maybe you should join in more often and see the fun and genuinely great people that make up this club GIRS!!
  8. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    well JB what i was trying to post w/ the last link but you stopped posting on that I looked to me like the president had ordered it since he was the last to respond... sorry if i was wrong w/ my assumption...
    first us piss ant who use the site for free, that don't deserve the right to have a say... want to see GIRS become a community not a cliche... the coral you gave for free i was planning on paying for until you told me no... that sounded like you wanted to give them as a gift... that is how i recieved them... now your throwing that in my face i will give you the damn money for them cause that is what i was plannin on any how when i went over there...
    NO ONE has ever asked me to help out... nor invited... a community is just that a unified group of people who commune...
    JB when i came over to your house that day i was blown away by how wonderful of a tank you had and how much i had to learn and not once until today did you ever make me feel like an idiot... or judged...  frankly you quietly humbled me w/ your tank... and graciously gave me frags for free... even tho i was fully willing to pay... normally i would still offer money but i felt they were a gift uptil today... I really would like to give you your money for those...
    JB i think you are obviously someone who knows how to develop a beautiful reef... but know little bout making people feel like they are apart of something... like i said up until this post... I really had respect for you and never bashed you... I felt you to be a very humble and meek man...
    thank you for the advice you gave me that day bout not taking things personal w/ GIRS... i didn't understand why you where saying that then... as i was very new... and am not really someone that takes things personal in the past... however i realize what you were doing now... you were warning me of the crap that goes on w/ GIRS... and it IS easier said then done... when i have someone like XROADS trying to sue me for 950... on a deal that was only 1000... and then trying to hang it up on principa... and not greed!  this is a community I would even wanna invest a penny in... that is the reason i have never paid my membership... and like i said NO ONE HAS EVER ASK ME IF I WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER... BEING A NEW PERSON TO GIRS(OR PISS ANT IS REALLY HOW I FEEL)... I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE TO VOLUNTEER...  isn't that the reponsibility of the tenured members and board members to make people feel needed and part of a community...
  9. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Posted By xroads on 10/11/2009 06:51 PM
    "And yes I am suing you for $950. I was promised (& it was witnessed) a skimmer with supply pump & 200 pounds of live rock. After you got my money you realized you could have gotten more & backed out of the skimmer & pump. Also the 200 lbs was 135, your reply was sorry I guessed, too bad."
    I told you craig from the start that I was keeping the skimmer and that I understand how it look on the website... I offer 3times to give you your money back! you never took me up on that cause you knew what a hell of a deal you were still getting that tank alone was worth $2500... the sump was another $1500 being that they are both custom built... not to mention the $450 pump, the $200 165g holding tank, 200lbs of sand which was fully cured,  and it funny how now you are saying only 135lbs of live rocks,  I remember you tellin me 175lb either way that was fully cured... and at $4-$5/lb everyone can do the math... but it a good chunk of change and not to mention the sohal tang and 7+" yellow tang, and RBTA and all that ... and your hanging it up on "PRINCIPAL" if that was the case you would have taken me up on my money back off the first time I offered it not to mention the other 2 times...
    I should have listened to my gut and other people when they said not to deal w/ you... but instead i listened to Joel DM board member cause i felt he made a respectible arguem't to let you have the deal since you put down a deposit first... little did i know he was burn both ends of the candle and communicating w/ you... that would be called deception Joel and that is not respectible and not a way to gain ones trust...
    I had no intention to screw you XROADS if i did i wouldn't have tried soooo hard to make you happy... and yes sand was all over our house and foot prints and mud... and ya know what i told you from the start i was gonna need help getting it out...cause it was built into the wall...
    lastly, but I'm sure it wont be the least... you said i made you look like a fool...I know take accountability for your own behavoir... you did that yourself... you walked away w/ over $5000 worth of equipm't for only $1000... and now your trying to sue for $950... how do you live w/ yourself... so all of what you got was only worth $50... ya your a real robin hood... only you take from the poor and keep for yourself...
    does it make you feel big to cause anquish and stress in an already financially stressed house knowing that we are expecting another child in december... go ahead hang your hat on 'principal"...I'm trustin in the Lord... theres a payday some day Craig...
  10. nick

    nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0
    there are posts everytime there is a get together or club meeting, wether you attend or not is totally up to yourself. Also with volunteers, they post asking for them never asking. I believe that is the best way to approach it, if asked some people might feel like they were cornered. So if you did happen to want to volunteer then speak up. No one here is kids and we are not anyone here's parents, no need to speak for other people. I think this club is a group. But a cliche not so much, if so this is the mosted F'd up group i have ever met considering the vast types, sex, and class of people here. And yet for the most part everyone here gets along. If you want to feel welcome open yourself for it. Everyone here has always been pretty nice to me. And I am personally very proud of this group.

  11. dewdad

    dewdad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Marc if you are so unhappy with this club I have a very quick fix for you, close the web site and don't ever open it again. Problem solved!!!!!!!!!
  12. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Looks like you made your own bed buddy. It is clear youve gone past the point of no return. Looks like your on your own from here. I can't see why anyone would want to help you. When i first moved to my new city and started reefing, the first thing i did was seek out the local club and pay my dues immediately. Perhaps you have never been in a club in your life. You don't wait for a formal invitation, you become a go getter. You do favors for people and volunteer your time and energy. THAT is how you earn the right to give your opinion! Nobody owes anyone anything! All theses club forums are privately owned and maintained. They are ALLOWING you to participate and they can certainly take that away from you. For the future, be more generous than necesary and don't sh*t where you lay.
  13. Rutherford

    Rutherford Inactive User

    +2 / 0 / -0

    Can't Say I blame you for being po'd but attacking other members will not get you anywhere. Keep your beef with whoever has ripped you off. It was clear that the products purchased were a part of the deal and if they backed out after you paid is a pretty crappy thing to do and I can see your frustration. Also however I'm sure this brings a bad name to club members and seeing stuff like this posted all over their forum is discouraging to non-members and they would like to see this taken care of in another way. It's good your a christian and all I had to say is to let god set a table in the presence of your enemies while your cup runneth over.
  14. Rutherford

    Rutherford Inactive User

    +2 / 0 / -0

    For the record I feel you did rip this kid off, and I have followed all of the forums including the ad you had listed.

    For the Record I think everybody on this site has lost respect for both of you.
  15. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    It's really unfortunate that things have turned out the way that they have and things are getting ugly. While I have my own personal feelings on this matter, I think if you do take a few minutes and read some historical messages of those involved, you will be able to form your own opinions.

    I hate to see stuff like this on the GIRS board but I guess any time you have money and products changing hands between people, you will have misunderstandings (and in some less frequent cases, misrepresentations) of what's being bought or sold.

    For buyers and sellers, this should be a good reminder of how things can end if you don't take the time to clarify exactly what you're buying/selling. Pictures are also always a good idea. And finally, if it comes down to deal time and the terms are not as agreed upon, until the money has changed hands, the option is always there to walk away.

  16. tgauger

    tgauger Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I thought this was over a long time ago. You said from the start that the skimmer was included, and then changed your story.

    Your house was not trashed by us, you are the one who scooped sand out of the tank into buckets while we carried them out (which by the way had to be done while we waited, instead of before we got like was originally arranged )

    yes it was known that we would need to help remove it from the wall but that is a world of difference from dismantling a whole system with only a sawzall and a pair of pliers.

    And since you are so short on finances that would explain why you are trying to buy more tanks and talking about upgrades you are going to make in several other threads.

    You continue to misrepresent good people (who continually prove that with their generosity and willingness to help others)...

    and when you get on your longwinded rants and attacks the word is "clique"

    time to grow up...
  17. rockinsmall

    rockinsmall Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If their is a suit and you feel it is unjust, then just go ahead and go to court and prove your case. The judge will be fair. Just have all the evidence ready. If you feel his suit is overboard, then the judge will make it acurate. OR GIVE HIM ALL HIS MONEY BACK AND ASK FOR THE ITEMS TO BE RETURNED. PROBLEM SOLVED. Right?
  18. Marc

    Marc Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Im all for that... I'd give him his money back... I don't think he'd do that... cause i already made that offer to him 3x during the process... and he didn't... cause he knew what a good deal it was ... I WISH I WOULD'VE LISTENED TO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE TOLD ME AND NOT DONE BUSINESS W/ HIM...and then my gut was telling me the same thing... and yes Troy you where suppose to help move it... I NEVER TALKED TO YOU THO... ALL MY CONVERSATIONS WHERE W/ CRAIG... so how the heck would you know what was to go on... you only heard it hear say from Craig... I told Craig I prolly wasn't gonna have the water out... I told him i was gonna need help getting it outta the wall... I strong ... BUT A 240G ACRYLIC TANK STRONG... SO WHY AND THE HELL WOULD YOU THINK YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO HELP...duh!!!!  so here it is give me my crap and i will give you your money... I will even compensate you guys for gas... no not your time just your gas... i'm out alot of time too... we will consider that a wash!  you drop the suit and i will not bring it up again...
  19. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Enough already!! This is a private and LEGAL matter at this point. Please discuss it somewhere besides here. The board is being more than generous in letting you rant and rave on and on and on and on!!!
  20. nick

    nick Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +5 / 0 / -0

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