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Looking to Buy For Sale TNT Corals, LLC. Celebration of Premium Membership!!

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Sponge, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    I am pleased to announce our Premium Membership through GIRS! To celebrate that, how does some sales sound to you?!!! I am so slow at setting up our website, and January will be coming to a close soon, it's time to offer some essentials at great prices. This sale will not include any corals but upcoming sales will!

    We have lots to offer and this sale thread will be long enough so I will provide some links whenever possible for more information, pictures, etc. Many items can be Googled to provide additional information. I type very slow so I will be making Equipment Sections for easy reference for everyone!! ****There are some products that have MAP pricing. Map is Manufacturers' Absolute Pricing/Minimum Advertised Price which means everyone must sell the MAP product at the same price or, if the retailer chooses, can sell the product for more than the MAP price.****

    My plan was to do a listing of all items for this sale and then post them all at once. The best laid plans but they never work real good for me (at the moment) guys:0) Since I do everything by myself (except plumbing...lol), it takes me forever to get things done. I hope you understand! I don't want you to wait on getting things you need when I can offer you better prices!

    So, here's what I'd like... I can get almost everything you need equipment wise. We are still becoming authorized dealers for several products, daily. I'm going to start with Lighting and Supplements. I'm an authorized dealer/retailer for each and I do use them! I'm trying to carry/sell what I use in our systems but that is limiting to all of you so I will also sell some equipment and products that I don't use personally {but do trust they will perform for you:0)} So the 2 listed below, I use and am an authorized dealer :0) Here they are:
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  2. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0

    LED's: Many of you are aware of some hobbyists buying LED's and not getting the growth and/or colors wanted. I have told many people in the past that I wasn't a LED fan and I wouldn't buy any for our tanks until the proof was in the pudding and, that they are affordable :0) That proof was finally produced when I found the following fixtures. Here's what we use and they are fantastic fixtures! SB Reef Lights (We are an Authorized Dealer.)
    There is proven growth and science behind the diode layout! Not your typical Chinese Black Boxes where diodes are "randomly chosen" and "hope" to grow and color up corals! They grow corals better and bring out colors like T5's. They have the spectrum needed by corals so don't worry. They also come with a 2 year warranty!!

    SB Reef Lights:

    sBox (Basic) MSRP $159.95 Sale Price: $129.95

    sBox Pro 16" Timer MSRP $229.95 Sale Price: $199.95

    sBox Elite 16" Ramping MSRP $269.95 Sale Price: $239.95 (We use these)

    sBox Extreme 16" WiFi MSRP $279.95 Sale Price: $249.95

    sBox Pro 32" Timer MSRP $329.95 Sale Price: $299.95

    sBox Elite 30" Ramping MSRP $449.95 Sale Price: $399.95

    sBox Extreme 32" WiFi MSRP $469.95 Sale Price: $439.95

    Retro Fit Upgrade PCB Board (fits older D120 style fixtures) and ReefBreeder boxes (not the Photons, though). Price is $70 and must be ordered directly from SB Reef Lights website.

    White sBoxes are also available for an additional charge of $10 (16") or $20(30" & 32"). It is per fixture also. They are powder coated white and it takes up to an additional week for shipping.

    If you would like, pickup can be arranged with us at our location/home. This would allow for more flexible arrangements such as an individual picking up for a regional buy so your product isn't left at your door by the FedEx guy, in the weather and the possibility of your order getting stolen. The owner and developer of the SB Reef Lights, Mike, and I are the only online sellers. There are a couple LFS in Florida that Mike has granted rights to sell but that's it for now.

    These LED's are manufactured in China. It will take 'about' 2 weeks for the lights to get to your residence, usually a little less:0) If the order comes to our home, I will open the package to ensure that everything is included. There is a language barrier and 14 hour difference in time so sometimes it creates a minor problem. (Example, they were putting sales flyers/pitches in the shipment for LED's that they sell-not Mike's.) These LED's will soon be having a price increase so ... Again, I cannot stress how good these are and the growth I'm getting! If you have any questions, here's SB's website: sBox Reef Lights - SB Reef Lights. To learn all about how the SB Reef lights came about and the science behind them, read "ABOUT US". If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask us!!
  3. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0

    These products work and are very reasonably priced! I do keep most of these at our location/home. Are you paying for things in your supplements that you can provide?! Yes- RO/DI water. Paying the cost for shipping water weight?- Yes. The products you currently are using, do they Certificates Of Analysis?- Probably not.

    According to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Convention, which grades and evaluates the purity of compounds according to a very strict set of guidelines. To be considered pharmaceutical grade, supplements must contain more than 99% of their active ingredient. The ReefGrow product line uses as many raw materials as possible which meet or exceed this level of scrutiny.

    What makes ReefGrow® the best choice available today? If you want to grow your reef the way nature intended with growth rates that rival those in nature, you have to keep stable ionic balance in your system, ReefGrow® allows you far greater control over the chemical makeup of your system. Here is how and why the other guys eventually fail. The one size fits all reef mentality never works. No two reef aquariums are ever the same because the rate at which any reef uses any particular element is never the same. This is where two-part dosing systems fail. If a system doesn’t use all elements in a balanced way then eventually the elements will be out of balance; some will be too high, some will be too low. Giving you the control of precisely which elements and how much will allow you to keep a more stable ionic balanced reef and the growth will be better than you ever thought possible! Best of all your growth is sustainable because your system stays in balance!!

    Calcium Pro
    ReefGrow® uses pure USP grade calcium in a low concentrated blend of balanced ions. Designed for hobbyist who want to maintain the utmost stable systems to provide optimum coral growth and health.

    Buffer Pro (Alkalinity)
    ReefGrow® Buffer Pro combats the common reef pH issues. Often times when raising calcium, magnesium or alkalinity levels pH can suffer. ReefGrow® helps combat this in two ways; education of proper chemistry and our unique blend of not only carbonates and bicarbonate in perfect balance but also our blend of boric acids give you both perfect pH as well as perfect pKa. This solves the pH puzzle that most hobbyists experience when dealing with pH issues. The ReefGrow® specialized industry unique blend is the first of its kind literally giving the hobbyist piece of mind that pH is going to be spot on each and every time it is tested.

    Magnesium Pro
    ReefGrow® Magnesium Pro provides an ion much needed for coral skeletons, much like calcium, strontium and carbonates. Unbeknownst to most hobbyists not only do stony corals use magnesium but fish, bacteria and even coralline algae use bio-available magnesium.

    Often times cheaper salts tend to have extremely high levels of magnesium, as low magnesium levels can cause pH levels to plummet as well as interfere with available calcium levels. ReefGrow® Magnesium Pro is a fully available magnesium available ion and much like ReefGrow® Calcium Pro it dissolves crystal clear you know it’s available for your reef inhabitants.

    Bromide Pro
    Having bromide levels found in natural seawater available at all times in a form that is readily absorbed by corals with little psychical work, means more energy available for skeletal growth. ReefGrow® Bromide Pro recommends keeping levels to that of natural seawater, which has an average of about 66 ppm of bromide. It is not necessary to maintain high levels of bromide, but our lab testing and research has proven that maintaining bromide in the home aquarium can nullify the effects of RTN (Rapid Tissue Necrosis) as well as explode growth rates of fleshy corals and inverts.

    Ferrous Iron Pro
    Most hobbyist never think about supplementing things beyond the basic skeletal ions of calcium and alkalinity and the occasional magnesium. Granted Iron (Ferrous, aka Fe) isn’t mandatory for keeping many of our marine animals, it is however important for coloration and pigment creation in stony corals. It is also extremely important in applications where refugiums and mass macroalgae is being cultivated.

    ReefGrow® Ferrous Iron Pro provides an organic compounded iron which is readily available to both corals as well as macroalgae. Macroalgae will quickly strip valuable iron from a reef system and once depleted will begin to turn from a dark green to yellow. So for longevity of macroalgae iron is extremely important. Maintaining proper iron levels will increase the speed at which macroalgae grows, thus helping to transport nutrients from the reef aquarium for better usage by your macroalgae. It also decreases the likelihood of Caulerpa sp. undergoing sexual repoduction and causing explosions of nutrients in the water column.

    Iron also is used in photosynthesizing organisms (coral included) in the breakdown of CO2 into C6H12O6 (which is a simple sugar aka glucose).

    Maganese Pro
    Having manganese levels found in natural seawater available at all times in a form that is readily absorbed by corals with little psychical work, means more energy available for skeletal growth. ReefGrow® Manganese Pro depending on your reef aquarium will begin to work within twenty-four hours bringing out the natural colors of your corals. ReefGrow® Manganese Pro used as directed at a dose rate of .1 mL per 10 US-Gallons of aquarium water can make even the most drab colored corals look ULTRA!

    Strontium Pro
    Having strontium levels found in natural seawater available at all times in a form that is readily absorbed by corals with little psychical work, means more energy available for skeletal growth. ReefGrow® recommends keeping levels to that of natural seawater, which has an average of about 13 ppm of strontium. Strontium is used by stony corals in the creation of new skeletal growth. Strontium is proven to increase bone density.

    Iodide Pro
    Having iodide levels found in natural seawater available at all times in a form that is readily absorbed by corals and inverts allows for better reef health. ReefGrow recommends keeping levels of iodide to that of natural seawater, which has an average of about .04 to .06 ppm. It is not necessary to maintain high levels of iodide, and in our lab testing and research we have actually found that high levels can actually cause issue with some corals such as Goniopora.

    Potassium Pro
    ReefGrow® Potassium Pro provides the hobbyist with the last of the major ions in natural seawater. Most hobbyists overlook the importance of potassium since it is not part of the skeletal growth compounds needed by stony corals. However it is just as important for proper balance as well. It is used for creating pigment in stony corals, especially in LPS (Large Polyp Stony) corals.

    Often times cheaper salts tend to have extremely high levels of potassium. If you test high levels, ReefGrow® suggests you make up a fresh batch of your salt and test it for high potassium levels. If your freshly made water contains high levels of potassium ReefGrow® suggests you change your salt brand to a better balanced salt.

    High potassium levels often times will lead to retraction of LPS corals. We have never seen it lead to death but, Duncanopsammia axifuga seem to be great indicators of potassium levels. If levels are too low or too high they tend to stay retracted into their stony forts.

    Typically hobbyists who can actually adhere to weekly water changes of a quality balanced salt shouldn’t need to dose potassium. However those who tend to do monthly water changes should first test potassium levels and then determine if dosing is needed.

    ReefGrow Algae-Oust is a revolutionary blend of Proprietary complex carbon chains and natural salts found in seawater that attack the algae at the cellular level. By binding with phosphates stored in the algae structure, it can no longer survive. The phosphates and dead algae materials are then removed from the water column via a skimmer.

    RTN Destroyer
    ReefGrow RTN Destroyer is a first of its kind product for the coral reef hobby. For too many years hobbyists have had to watch their beautiful stony coral colonies wither away either fast (RTN) or slowly (STN). As it is still a mystery as to why these corals go through tissue necrosis, one thing is certain, ReefGrow RTN Destroyer gives hobbyists a fighting chance,

    ReefGrow RTN Destroyer is a proprietary blend of all natural elements found in seawater necessary for tissue repair and growth. In many cases in systems with minimal nutrients (where algae can not grow on fresh skeleton), RTN Destroyer has actually aided in the regrowth of lost tissue in as little as one week.

    The RTN Destroyer blend includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids and halogens. All of which have been proven to help organisms get the appropriate building blocks to overcome adversity and begin the healing process. Depending on the severity of your tissue necrosis event ReefGrow RTN Destroyer can give your corals a fighting chance.

    For best results couple RTN Destroyer with the complete line of ReefGrow products to provide the best overall health of your coral reef system.

    Amino Ignition
    We all know by now that the photosynthates provided by zooxanthellae can in harsh conditions provide 100% of the daily energy needed by corals to survive. But these energy sources often lack in both phosphorus and nitrogen. Furthermore, it is now thought that this is fuel for respiration as well as mucus secretion, instead of what we used to think accounted for overall biomass.

    Of the 20 amino acids known to man, eleven are truly the most important. Most products today give hobbyists only one of these eleven. ReefGrow Amino Ignition gives you nine of the eleven, and ReefGrow took it a step further and balanced our formula to match that of the average stony coral uptake of these eleven. Not to be outmatched by amino acids alone ReefGrow added B complex vitamins as well as other essential vitamins and minerals.

    With ReefGrow Amino Ignition hobbyists will see an increase in growth rate, color as well as over all health of all the biodiversity in the home reef aquarium.

    ReefGrow Bio Load helps by adding liquid oxygen to reef aquariums which are lacking appropriate levels. Often times red cyanobacteria forms when oxygen levels are depleted. Bio Load when used with Algae Oust can remove even the most stubborn red cyanobacteria. Not only does Bio Load help oxygenate the reef aquarium but it also helps to increase skimmer efficiency when dosed properly and, it clarifies yellow water syndrome by killing off excess bacteria found in the water column of aquariums where proper water changes aren’t quiet enough.

    With the use of ReefGrow Bio Load you can easily increase ORP the way nature intended while increasing the natural capacity of any enclosed ecosystem. Increasing oxygen stabilizes excess CO2 buildup and de-gasses carbonic acid build-up from skimmers forcing carbon dioxide back into solution.

    Granular Ferric Oxide
    GFO (Granular Ferric Oxide) removes phosphate from the marine aquarium more efficiently than other GFO products on the market. More hobbyists rely on the use of GFO as a filter media than any other for phosphate removal. ReefGrow GFO is essential to maintaining an ultra low phosphate coral reef system. Maintaining low levels of phosphates with ReefGrow GFO will help prevent algae outbreaks as well as help with existing algae issues. The use of GFO in the marine aquarium will promote a cleaner system eliminating the need for cleaning your tank as often. ReefGrow GFO can be used either in media reactors or media bags.

    Like Nitrates, phosphates are part of the natural biological process, however like many things in life in moderation. High levels of phosphates can actually slow down the growth rates of stony corals. By using ReefGrow GFO you can actually increase the growth rate of stony corals.

    Carbon Pure
    ReefGrow uses the purest activated carbon known to man, coconut shell. Not all carbon is created equal and there are many factors which contribute to activated carbons effectiveness, such as how much oxygen and what temperature the furnace is for example.

    Once ReefGrow Carbon Pure has passed all quality control each batch is then pre-washed. This means unlike other carbon medias, after a single simple rinse black carbon dust is virtually gone and ready for use.

    Activated carbon is very beneficial in removing unwanted pollutants and polishing your aquariums water column. Any beneficial items which might be filtered out can be easily added back with daily dosing of ReefGrow additives and supplements.

    CC- CLAM CARD which is a dry/powder package of the product. Each CC is for 2 Liters of product.
    L JUG- Liter jug with dry powder included; jug has product picture and identifies the contents. When I started using the products, I just used a 2L plastic soda bottle to make sure I liked the products. I now use the jugs as they are easier to ID and can also be used as holding vessel for auto doser.
    Dose Builder- Dosing is easy-peasy using Dose Builder Dosing can be done manually or using an auto doser (1.1ml doser)

    Algae-Oust (250ml) $20.00 (500ml) $25.00 (1gallon) $75.00

    Amino Ignition (250ml) $30.00 (500ml) $40.00 (1 gallon) $100.00

    Bio-Load (250ml) $13.00 (500ML) $18.00

    BROMIDE PRO CC $6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    BUFFER PRO CC $6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    CALCIUM PRO CC $6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    FERROUS IRON PRO CC $6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    IODIDE PRO CC $6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    MAGNESIUM PRO CC$6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    MAGANESE PRO CC$6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    POTASSIUM PRO CC$6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    RTN DESTROYER (250ML) $30.00 (500ML) $40.00

    STRONTIUM CC$6.00 10L JUG $40.00 2L JUG $13.00 4L JUG $20.00

    Shipping will be at the lowest price possible for Reef Grow products, either through USPS or FedEx. Iowa sales tax will be applied at 7%.

    These prices are good through January 31st.

    Look for more products coming asap! If you have suggestions for equipment and other products, please post what you'd like to see! Thanks!!

    Cheers Mates'!!
  4. Sponge Expert Reefkeeper Vendor

    Marshalltown, IA
    +233 / 1 / -0
    If any of you are Reef Brite enthusiasts, TNT is an authorized retailer of those products. Many of their products are MAP but not all. If you have something in mind to buy, let me know as I can help you with pricing, information, etc.

    Reef Brite has been releasing new products regularly so check out their website: ReefBrite.com | Creators of high-tech lighting for the Aquarium Industry. I like all the Reef Brite products but I really like the Metal Halide Hybrid and the Hybrid T5 HO!!

    Reef Brite HALIDE HYBRID


    Made in the U.S the Reef Brite Hybrid T5HO offers proven performance and reliability in a design that will compliment any aquarium. The Hybrid T5HO features a proprietary dual parabolic reflector that allows the maximum amount of light to be transmitted from the lamps. Traditional fixtures densely pack the lamps creating heat issues and causing a lot of the light produced to get trapped inside the fixture reducing overall efficiency. Add Lumi Lite, Tech or XHO LED’s (sold separately) and watch the fluorescent colors in your corals and other invertebrates glow right before your eyes.

    And the one I had waited so long for............

    The Reef Brite Halide Hybrid features a specially designed 98% reflective aluminum reflector, and XHO high power LED supplemental lighting. When combined with a Reef Brite microprocessor controlled ballast (Sold separately) this eco-friendly combination produces more light, uses less energy, and gives off less heat than any other halide on the market. The 175, 250, and 400 watt models use 1.5, 2.1, and 3.3 Amps respectively. Finally, a cost comparable replacement to LED or T5 systems with proven results and performance. Don’t settle for less. Reef Brite Halide Hybrid “the professional’s choice “



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