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Used smaller skimmers, cheap salt mixers, free used 29g. leaker

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by matt1971, May 18, 2011.

  1. matt1971 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +9 / 0 / -0
    Aqua C Remora with special cleaning brush and MJ1200 pump- $50
    CPR bak pak with rio 600 pump- no bio bale- $30 each (Quantity =2).
    Corallife super skimmer 65 with rio 1100 and HOB small box with foam to catch mircrobubbles- venturi mod- drilled collection cup- works better than the other 2 skimmers when dialed in but doesn't look as nice- $30.
    Marineland 100 in sump skimmer with pump- $15
    4 Marineland magnum 660 powerhead- used for mixing smaller batches of salt, missing some accessories such as suction cups, flow deflectors, etc. All 4 for $15.
    These were all tested and cleaned with vinegar but may have some residue such as coraline.
    Free 29 gallon used as a sump with a slow leak in corner that starts when a third full. Drilled twice and connected to each other with uniseals and u shaped piece of plumbing. No baffles in it currently, but silicone residue remains where they once were.
  2. matt1971 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +9 / 0 / -0
    Aqua C Remora is sale pending.
    The remainder is up for trade also. I'd consider SPS, LPS, colorful zoas, or possibly some equipment.
  3. matt1971 Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +9 / 0 / -0
    Aqua C Remora is available again.
    Made a new thread.

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