I am thinking of getting a window AC unit for the bedroom, which is where the tank is. This is the only room that really needs to be cooled and I feel was waste too much money on cooling the entire house. The trouble is I don't know how to size the thing, nor do I know how much energy I should expect to use. 8000, 12000, and 24000 BTU AC's are what I am seeing. I imagine the 8000 or 12000 would be enough for the room we are looking to put it in, the space is 15'x10'. We would be looking at keeping the room between 70-75 degrees.
It all depends on how many hours per day you run it & how cool you try to keep it. But for just a small room running 12 hrs per day at 73 degrees is about right.
Thanks Craig. I think that entices me to actually get one this summer. the central unit was costing us upwards of $125/month to run! /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/sad.gif
I had a "window air chiller" before in a similar sized room and a 5000btu one was very adequate for the 125 I had then...agree that it is a more economical solution than central air.
Hmmm, I was afraid that I would have to go up to 8000 (didn't see ANYTHING between 5k and 8k). THe 8k is only 30 bucks more than the 5k, but I am afraid I may be overdoing it.
Bela I'm guessing you only have 110 in your apartment. But I know lowes have a 6500 I think. But they might have some dented models too if you check in there.
I also use this in my bedroom where my tank is, since we don't have Central Air in my house, but it runs at 68 degrees and it keeps the room cold and keeps my tank pretty even it goes from 76.5 to 78.1 through the day.
Matt, 1100? 6500? Are you referring to BTU? My apartnebt has central air but it is a super old unit. I am sure it is crazy inefficient.
I picked up an 8000 BTU portable unit to replace one in my new house. So far I like it and glad I got something I can easily move by myself. Plus I plan on getting central air next summer most likely and I will be able to easily put this in the garage if ever want to keep it cool.
I ment 110v power source. See in my house we have 220v power for a big AC unit. The 6500 BTU is for the AC, I know we have one there right now that was regularly 400$ and now its down to 300$, thats only if you want a bigger one. Something in the 6000 to 8000 range is about 200-300 at lowes.