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Wow, Just checked out Aquatic Environments in Davenport

Discussion in 'Quad Cities Area' started by JB, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By FishGuy1 on 01/22/2009 08:47 PM
    Ya its a great store, but its pricey for me most of the time, and I have had them tell me I needed stuff for my aquarium when later I found out that I did not need it. Also they have helped me set up one aquarium, but never told me about how a fish tank cycles I lost alot of fish and money that way, or sold me a biological filtration they sold me just a skimmer for the tank. There ok in my book.
    Not trying to be mean, but when did it become a retailer's job to explain every detail of a hobby to their customers?  I believe in personal research and education prior to purchase.  I don't go to Menard's and expect them to tell me how to frame a house just because I was buying 2x4's there...
  2. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0
    Posted By Travis on 01/23/2009 06:22 AM
    Not trying to be mean, but when did it become a retailer's job to explain every detail of a hobby to their customers?  I believe in personal research and education prior to purchase.  I don't go to Menard's and expect them to tell me how to frame a house just because I was buying 2x4's there...
    I don't disagree in general, but that comparison does seem a little "apples vs oranges" to me...   I would think that any LFS that is interested in wanting return customers should be able to give basic good advice (not saying that AE didn't).
    If I walked into a LFS without knowing anything about saltwater (or it's complexities) I would expect the people working there to be able to give me a basic explanation of what's needed to run a succesful tank.
  3. Deleted member 257

    Deleted member 257 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well its their job to tell the customers what their getting into before they take their money. I have worked in teskes Fish dept for eight years now and I always tell how to set up a aquarium and how to take care of the animals that will be living within the tank.   Its their job and they failed to help me before I new how to care for the tank.
  4. Deleted member 46

    Deleted member 46 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I kinda feel bad for LFS. I understand that it'd be nice to have them give us a 101 on aquarium husbandry but that seems like asking an aweful lot. I shop at Teske's and AE. Both stores are pretty good. I'd have to say most stores sell things that people do not need or live stock that has compatability issues. The only real way to stop it is to do research on your purchases before you buy it.
  5. Deleted member 257

    Deleted member 257 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Haha yes when people know a little before they come into the hobby it makes a world of difference and we can talk easyer on the subject.
  6. Travis

    Travis Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Posted By FishGuy1 on 01/23/2009 04:52 PM
    Well its their job to tell the customers what their getting into before they take their money. I have worked in teskes Fish dept for eight years now and I always tell how to set up a aquarium and how to take care of the animals that will be living within the tank.   Its their job and they failed to help me before I new how to care for the tank.
    8 Years selling Fresh and Saltwater fish and you are disappointed that another store didn't educate you before you bought a tank???  Did I read that wrong???
    Through the internet I am sure my posts look like I am being a prick, but my intention is to point out how flawed people's thinking truely is.  Many stores do carry things that cannot go into the same tank or equipment that is not needed by everyone.  There must be a customer that does need those things though or there would be no need to have them on hand.  Fish tanks are amazing and complex investments.  No two of them are the same and their requirements are all completely different.  Some are fresh water some are salt.  Some are FO some are Coral Only.... etc
    I know I cannot put a puffer in my reef tank, not by trial and error, but by research and learning about an animal before I bought it.  You are taking living things from the ocean, the least you can do is be responsible enough to read up on their requirments not just thier price tag.  Then when you go to the store you can discuss the purchase further with the LFS person.
    As for equipment, in a dream world everyone would plan their tank well in advance, do their research and then bounce the plan off of some online forums and yes even your LFS.  By educating yourself and having a plan you save yourself time, money, and hard feelings against anyone.
  7. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    As for AE the store. Yes the prices are a bit high, but I trust that store more than any other I have been too. The dirtiest I have ever seen their tanks and live stock have been cleaner than best days at any other store I have been to.  Adam and his staff have always gave me the time when I asked questions and feel that they have gave me valid information each time, granted I try not to make them feel as if they have to hold my hand every step of the way. I know I sound like a fanboy of AE, but better safe than sorry.
  8. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    AE is a top notch LFS is every way. Sure, I've been to some that have a better selection of this or that but NONE have the personal, immediate customer service that you will see each and every time in this store. In most stores, you see a few dying or dead fish but that is a rarity at AE. I've bought several fish from AE and they have proven to be healthy and thrive. The tanks are clean and roomy for their fish. As I've said before, I've been steered away on more than one occasion from something that was not appropriate for my tank or lighting, with the help of the knowledgable staff.
    I feel it is MY job to research any new equipment or livestock I'm thinking about buying. I've made many mistakes in this hobby by not researching first. I also research everything from camera's to vacumn cleaners before I buy them so I believe that to be a good consumer, you must get yourself informed.
    The best looking and most impressive coral in my tank right now came from AE. If you get the chance to buy a ORA Red Planet, snap it up! (Thanks again Adam : )
    Last but not least, I hate whiners.
  9. Deleted member 257

    Deleted member 257 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wow i dident know that I was going to get feed back like this. I never said AE was a bad store just some of their employees in the past told me wrong info. For the guy who posted something about heiring me wrong when I said they helped me setup my FIRST saltwater aquarium this was before I worked with fish and before I new how take care of a saltwater fist tank thats what I said. Well im sorry if I hurt anyones feelings about what I said. But I stick with what I stated about them on my experiences with the store, and from the negative feedback from what I have heird through my customers that travel to both locations Aquatic enviorments and Teskes. Please dont reply negatively to what I have posted its my opion and thats that.
  10. JB Veteran Reefkeeper

    +3 / 0 / -0

    Don't worry about it. That's the problem with forum posts... Sometimes it's hard to understand what people are trying to say and sometimes it's difficult to write stuff in a way where it doesn't come out wrong.

    Anyway, it just looks to me like you started a nice debate (which is what forums are great for!) Nice work... /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/wink.gif

  11. Newbeme

    Newbeme Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I can say I have had both good and bad experiences with AE. More good than bad. I think with the bad, it came on days when the where slammed with customers and going a hundred different directions at once. I've been back many times since and will continue to frequent the store. In my opinion they are the cleanest and best stocked in the area.

    FishGuy1, Which Teskes are you at?
  12. RobynT

    RobynT Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I apologize if it seemed I came off harsh, that was not my intention at all. This thread actually has brought out quite a lot of praise for AE and so is a very positive thing in that sense, and reinforced the need to research before you buy, another very positive things. Most of us learn the hard way ( me=hard way for sure) and so we're just passing along hard learned lessons on making good choices.

    Do you still work at Teske's? I haven't been to the QC in awhile but I'll have to stop the next time I'm through. And JB, you are a great asset to GIRS as usual with your positive attitude and support of the members. : )
  13. Deleted member 257

    Deleted member 257 Guest

    +0 / 0 / -0
    No problem guys I just felt a little bombarded for what I said. I wish we had more pet stores that sold saltwater fish I love to go and check out other shops and get  a sense how they run their store and build off that observation. I work at Teskes in Moline. cya all.
  14. REEFer Madness

    REEFer Madness Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    If you're in the Iowa City area, there's Petland by Sycamore Mall and Sea of Marvels right next to the North Liberty Exit.  Burlington has Coral Reef on the south side of town of 61.  Cedar Rapids has Bobo's and Pets Playhouse. 
    There are more, but none I can think of right now besides some Pet Co's.

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