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WTB - Colonies of SPS.

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by sblomgren, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. Reefdumb

    Reefdumb Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    This is why I dont post on here much. People criticize the system not the experience of the person. I think even a person in this hobby 10 to 20 years make newbie mistakes.

    Live aquaria is a great place to get coral
  2. JohnL

    JohnL Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +1 / 0 / -0
    There are actual scientific reasons to wait, I'm not going to dig for the pages on Reef Central that explain it, Thats for you to do if you want to. The advice you were given was valid. It's not the equipment being new that's the problem, It's the water chemistry. There are posts several marine biologists and chemists that say your water will go through the initial cycle....what people typically call cycling the tank...but it will also continue to go through other changes as different kinds of bacteria and other life forms bloom then die off and the chemical make up of the tank will continue to change right along with them. It takes many months for a system to become stable that is why they recommend you wait a year. Not everyone has to wait that long, If you took live rock and sand from another system and transferred it over to the new system then your ahead of the game. If your experienced and know all the tricks or just plain lucky you might get away it much sooner. Most advice out there is just taking what the average outcome is and recommending that to the next person. I have been in this hobby for about 15 yrs and have yet to see someone go years without having some kind of major crash in an SPS aquarium sooner or later either by unknown reasons or equipment failure or by simple accidents.
  3. FishBrain Expert Reefkeeper

    New London
    +399 / 6 / -0
    Hay man tryed to respond to the pm you sent me but for some reason I can't. So email me at fishbrain1@live.com
  4. B-Rad

    B-Rad Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    OK Lets back up for a minute, I just want to say that we all have to remember that it is hard to post a response on the forums sometimes and not have them be taken out of context. With that said I don't think anyone is meaning to criticize your abilities or your knowledge, by any means.
    I think that it boils down to the fact that if you are comfortable with your routine & tank husbandry skills, your tank has cycled, parameters look good and they stay stable, then why not try some nice colonies of SPS or LPS. Try some Green slimer, or Frog spawn, they are fairly hardy.
    I second what Bill said about dipping and QT your corals before you put them in your main Display.
    And by all means have some fun thats why were are in this hobby..[​IMG]
    Good luck and lets see some pics once you getter stuffed full!!

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