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WTB - Frag rack

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by sblomgren, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. sblomgren

    sblomgren Well-Known ReefKeeper

    +2 / 0 / -0
    I would like to buy a frag rack.  I have decided I am ready for one.  I would like to buy one instead of building one.  Let me know what you have available.  I am in ames but will be coming to fall fest!
  2. AJ

    AJ Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Sean,
    If it were me, I would wait for Fall Fest and go to the Oceans Wonders booth. Their frag racks are *awesome*. I have two and love them. Strong magnets and a fair amount of room for frags. IMO, if you have more frags than you can put on two of their frag racks, you need a dedicated frag tank.
    All frag racks are not created equally and the magnets are critically important.  You want that frag rack to stick on the wall good when it's full of frags and not slide.  Also, you don't want it to go crashing down if you bump it a bit.  Other frag racks use a lower strength of magnet and that leads to more of the problems I just described.  Oceans Wonders has chosen to put an n52 neodymium magnet into their frag racks which is a *huge* selling point for me.  They stay in place.  I've had urchins and large snails in my tank that have re-arranged things a lot, but none of them have been able to move those frag racks.  If you know much about how magnets are rated, you will know that neodymium is one of the strongest rating (if not *the strongest*) that I've seen available to standard consumers.  I don't think that enough people give as much attention to the quality of magnets as they should when selecting a frag rack.
    If you need them sooner, you can buy directly from Oceans Wonders, or the Oceans Wonders product from another club sponsor, Bulk Reef Supply.  From Bulk Reef Supply, order before 3 PM and have them in hand tomorrow using their standard UPS Ground shipping (one of the reasons why I love doing business with BRS).  Here's the links:
    Now, the fact that they are a product from club sponsors, (Oceans Wonders is right here in Iowa - they have sponsored GIRS for as long as I can remember) should give you two more reasons to buy their products, but honestly, putting all that aside, I would buy these racks anyway because they are the best I've found (but Jamie, that doesn't mean that we don't *really appreciate* you guys sponsoring our club!!  /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif ).  And obviously no shipping if you buy them at Fall Fest.
    And for those DIY'ers out there, you can also buy the epoxy coated n52 neodymium magnets that they use on the frag racks separately.
    One thing that I hope they make in the future, is a corner mount rack.  Some companies make racks that can be mounted in the corner of your tank that look pretty cook.  Most of those are acrylic and due to the material, much more expensive.
    One other thing to be careful of (unrelated to the frag rack itself)...encrusting frags on frag racks can lead to trouble.  I left a meteor shower cyphestrea frag on one of my racks and it covers about 1/2 the rack now.  It even grew onto some of my other frags, killing them.  Just keep a close eye on encrusting frags on racks.
    Hope this helps!
  3. psulion


    +0 / 0 / -0
    +1 on Oceans Wonders
  4. Jamie

    Jamie Well-Known ReefKeeper Vendor

    +24 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for the plug AJ :) the best( and most affordable) advertising comes from one hobbyist to another. Yes we will be at fall fest and also at TCMAS frag expo the following week in Minneapolis. You are correct that neodymium is the strongest magnetic material available BUT what you also need to know is that there are many grades of neodymium magnets as well, ranging from about N38 up to N52 which is the strongest grade magnetic material that can be manufactured. It is also the most expensive which is why many other frag rack manufactures skimp and use lower grade or ceramic base magnets which are not nearly as strong.

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