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WTS 65 gallon saltwater/freshwater aquarium setup

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Ben, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Ben

    Ben Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am selling a 65 gallon freshwater/saltwater reefready aquarium setup. I purchased it and originally started it out as saltwater. It has two metal halides built into a canopy. It also has a canister filter and has a built in overflow. I no longer have the bulkheads as I threw them out when I switched to freshwater. It comes with a good heater as well as auto-top off. If you are interested in it as a freshwater setup I'd be happy to include the plants, few fish, and rocks. I have several metal halide bulbs I will include in the purchase. I have no way of transporting it, but would be willing to help tear down and load in to your vehicle. Asking $600 or best offer. If you want the carbon system I have and the PH monitor I will include that for an extra $220. (Includes solenoid, ph monitor (needs new strip), carbon tank and everything needed to get the CO2 into the system). For pickup only in Coralville, IA. Any questions or comments, please email me at pianoartist@mac.com. Thanks so much!

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