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WTS some things

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Kylie, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    I am going through my 'fish closet' and want to get rid of a few things.
    So far, I know for sure I have a Reef Octopus HOB skimmer meant for 110 gallons. I got it new in January for my 20g for $120. Would like $90 as it was only used for three months before I upgraded to my 40g with an in sump skimmer.
    Also, I have a 5g mini bow aquarium. Its acrylic with black trim. Its one of those small kits that include the little tank, hood with light, and filter. I'll even throw in the heater that I used for it that fits perfectly down the back right corner. I know its an aquaclear heater and I think its a 100 watt heater. I would like $15 for this. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I dig all of this out and get it organized.
    I know I will also have a bio wheel fresh water filter for sale that I use to have on my 20g before I turned it to saltwater. It is the model rated for 50 gallons and was used for almost a year but still works great. I think I may have three or four replacement carbon cartridges that I'll send with it. I would like $20 for the filter and cartridges.

    I know I also have a lot of random plastic plants and decorations that I'll be selling. I'll post pictures of those as soon as I dig them out. If anything is too highly priced also, I apologize as I'm still new to selling online. Feel free to pm me an offer on anything /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif

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