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YAY! New corals for laborday weekend :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kylie, Sep 2, 2010.

  1. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Wewt! Celebrating laborday weekend with a whole bunch of new corals? OF COURSE! So, in order to do my best, I thought it would be a good idea to post here the corals I'm getting and if there are ANY suggestions about anything you can think of for these guys. My setup is a 40g breeder with 29g sump. I run a:
    2 x 150 MH 14K bulbs (WANT 20K bulbs so if anyone is selling, let me know!!!),
    2 x 36watt T5 actinic
    sdual BRS Carbon/GFO reactor,
    110g rated Reef octopus skimmer,
    9watt??? (something like that ish... not at home to look at the box) UV sterilizer,
    3 K3's throughout the tank, one new and works awesome, one medium, one crappy in the back jut for a little more flow (also interested in good working K3's to replace the two icky ones!!)
    about 50+ lbs live rock.. etc etc..
    Oh, and I run my photoperiod kinda weird so I can enjoy my tank before and afterschool without over running my lights. Actinics turn on at 7am, MH at 7:30. Then off 4 hrs later for the MH, 4.5 hrs later for actinics. Then there is a break where only a little sunlight from the window gets in. Then I think about 3-4 hrs later, the same thing again.
    What I'm getting, through multiple people over the weekend is:
    3 various acans
    superman monti
    sunset monti
    pokerstar monti
    Armor of God palys
    purple death palys
    pink panther zoas
    Purple war coral
    tyree war coral
    meteor shower coral...
    I think thats all... So, pretty much basic questions:
    1) Who would appreciate target feeding? How often?
    2) Where in the tank? High/low light? High/Low flow??
    3) Can palys be mixed with zoas? would be neat to have the pink and purple mixed together someday in a giant colony
    4) Any suppliments you suggest? All I do now consistently is Reef builder (the one that raises and maintains kH) and phytoplankton. Would anything else be beneficial?
    5) I have an iodine based coral dip, haven't used it yet, just got it for emergencies. Would it be a bad idea to dip any of these guys as a precaution and to help relieve stress from the trip??
    Anything else helps also!
    As you can tell, a year in and I'm still a newb at all of this. Please and thanks for your help and patience!
    You rock! haha /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/smile.gif
  2. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Also, with adding so many corals only a few days apart, should I be worried about a bioload issue? In other words, do you suggest a WC a day or so after getting the new corals? I plan on doing one tonight so its ready for them this weekend.

  3. Kylie

    Kylie Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    Anyone have any suggestions? I just got the three acans last night and they all seem to be doing well. Good color, nice and puffy, and had their feeder tentacles out a lot last night once the lights were off.

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