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Your 2013 CR/IC Trustees

Discussion in 'Cedar Rapids & Iowa City Region' started by blackx-runner, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. blackx-runner Administrator Website Team Leadership Team

    Cedar Rapids, IA
    +738 / 5 / -0
    We have had a changing of the ranks this year so I thought I would take a moment to introduce the new trustees.

    First off Andy (Andy the Reef Guy), the previous assistant trustee, has been voted in as Club President. While no longer a trustee, he will still remain very actively involved with our region. A true "fish geek" at heart, Andy's vast knowledge on anything reef related is truly an asset to this group. Just be sure to have a dictionary ready when he gets into one of his long winded rants on a subject near and dear to him. /DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default/emoticons/biggrin.gif

    Taking on the Trustee position this year will be Kyle (kpotter2). Since joining the club Kyle has made his best effort to help out in anyway he could. He is relatively new to the saltwater world, but has many years experience with freshwater where he was an active member in various freshwater clubs. The experiences he brings with him are a welcome addition to the organization of our group.

    Lastly we have myself, David (blackx-runner) in the assistant trustee position. I'll be working with Kyle to keep this region active and exciting. I'm also relatively new to the hobby, but in just a few years I've learned a ton from this group and thought it was my time to give something back.

    We have some good discussions and events planned for this year, but we are always open to new ideas and suggestions from members. If there is a certain topic you would like to hear about, or an activity you think we should do, or even host a meeting or discussion please contact one of us and I am certain we will be able to work with the ideas.


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