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Zoa frags for sale and star fish

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by lehrjet, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. lehrjet

    lehrjet Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0

    Sorry the quality isn't the best. Been really busy lately and just wanted to get these on here, so I didn't try real hard for great pictures. Located in Fairfax aka SW Cedar Rapids.

    Have two frags of Armor of God, some blue zoas, some really neat orange zoas, 2 frags of some pink zoas, and 1 frag of something similar to dragons eys but a little different (I think dragons eyes are ugly thats why I am getting rid of them)

    First picture is all with blue LEDs, second picture is all with all LEDs on.



    Next are the two large Armor of God Zoas a little closer and the large blue Zoas.




    Asking prices are

    #1 $50 Armor of Gods >15 heads

    #2 $30 Armor of Gods >8 heads

    #3 $25 Darker blue in color >15 heads

    #4 $15 Bright orange under all lights not quite as dark orange as Sunny Ds but still bright 3 heads

    #5 $25 Very close to dragon eyes maybe they even are >12 heads

    #6 $25 Light pink >15 heads

    #7 $20 Light pink >12 heads

    I only counted open heads at picture time all except the orange ones had unopened ones i did not count so numbers are kind of estimates but won't be less than the number stated.

    I have a frag of Orange Ricordeas I could let go for $25 dollars. There are for sure two there, but I think the smaller one maybe splitting into two. Larger one is probably 1.5 inches when fully out smaller one just under an inch.

    Lastly I have a young Chocolate chip star fish I would sell for 10 bucks. No picture but could get one if you are interested. If you drew a circle around him he would probably be 4 inches in diameter.

    Also will be fragging out some duncan corals, hammer corals later just running low on time right now.

  2. lehrjet

    lehrjet Inactive User

    +0 / 0 / -0
    #3 Blues spoken for.

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